​Requirements [Festival of Cheer]:
  • Artwork:
    • Repeatable Quests: Full Color, Fullbody (75% or more visibility) drawing of each focus dinosaur, including a 3-element background. All focus dinosaurs should be following the prompt description.
    • Story Quests: Full Color, Shaded, Fullbody (75% or more visibility) drawing of each focus dinosaur, including a 3-element background. All focus dinosaurs should be following the prompt description. Only 1 entry per participant. Must be created or collaborated by you.
    • Draw to Adopt: Full Color, Fullbody (75% or more visibility) drawing of each focus dinosaur, including a 3-element background. All focus dinosaurs should be following the prompt description. The draw-to-adopt import should be at least 50% visible. Only 1 entry per participant. Must be created or collaborated by you.
  • Literature:
    • Repeatable Quests: 1,000 words. Each focus character should be featured throughout and the prompt activity should be the main focus of the piece.
    • Story Quests: 1,200 words. Each focus character should be featured throughout and the prompt activity should be the main focus of the piece. Only 1 entry per participant. Must be created or collaborated by you.
    • Draw to Adopt: 1,000 words. Each focus character should be featured throughout and the prompt activity should be the main focus of the piece. Only 1 entry per participant. Must be created or collaborated by you. 
  • All submissions must be created during the duration of the event. Works created prior to the event cannot be submitted for event prompts.
  • More detailed submission rules can be found in the Quest Guide!
You must include the following form in your submission comments:
  • Context: [Required for leases; otherwise optional but recommended]
  • Participating Users: [Required]
  • EXP Breakdown: [Required, see our EXP Guide]


0 activities.