You can use this board to discuss anything related to roleplay, including seeking out others to roleplay with or sharing character profiles.
If you want to post your actual roleplay, please use the In Character Board!
Forum Rules
Mind the Primeval Age rules
I. Keep all topics appropriate (PG-13)
II. Do not re-post the same thing multiple times; bump your older threads instead
III. Gore is allowed, but you must include a warning
IV. Photos of minors and photos of people in revealing clothing are not allowed
V. Avoid discussion of real-life topics that may be upsetting to others, including human death, politics, religion, abuse, and medical problems
Board Rules
I. Do not link any character profile containing anything explicit (18+)
II. Be sensible with your roleplay; breaking our rules of conduct through character behavior (ie. using slurs) is not acceptable
III. You may advertise for closed (invite-only) roleplays if you wish
IV. You always have the right to refuse any roleplay situation or roleplay partner; you do not need to provide a reason
V. If someone does not wish to roleplay with you, please respect their wishes
VI. Do not push or harass others to let you join in on a roleplay
While we aren't overly managing how roleplay is done, we do want to ensure everyone is having a good time! Please let us know if someone is not being respectful of you or your roleplay.
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