Welcome to our second fundraising sale!
This is a special opportunity to allow you to purchase semi-customs for the group while also raising some funds for Primeval Age!
The money we make from these sales goes towards improving our group and adding new features. Some of the developments you’ve seen in the last year- especially the new import backgrounds and new website- are thanks to the funds we raised in 2020! With the funds we raise, we’ll be continuing to develop the website with the goal of eventually moving most of the game there, and you can expect to see new group artwork continue to appear.
This time around, a portion of the proceeds from the sale will be donated to the Charles Darwin Foundation. This charity is focused on conversation in the Galapagos Islands- which were one of the major inspirations for our own Kiama Islands. We want to contribute some of our funds to their efforts in protecting and preserving these unique islands!
Read more about the Charles Darwin Foundation here.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! You may post here or in our help channel on Discord.
You can purchase a semi-custom by “building” a geno. You’ll be able to select from various options that you want in your new dinosaur, which will then be rolled on a separate journal to deliver your final geno.
If you were around for the sale in 2020, you may already be familiar with how it works. But our rules and prices have changed since then, so make sure you read thoroughly!
How it works:
- The base price is for a geno with 0 markings. For this price, you get to choose species and a base color (see below). Covering and sex are randomly rolled.
- Base colors must be selected from the swatches. Standard colors are free with the base price, but Specialty Colors (blacks and whites) will cost extra.
- You can select marking slots to build your geno. Slots are based on rarity, and allow you to add a marking of your choice of that rarity tier to your geno.
- Random marking slots can also be added. These cost less than the custom marking slots, but add a random marking of that rarity tier.
- You may select up to 4 chosen markings, but may include 2 random markings with them to reach the maximum total
- You may select all random markings if you choose
- Maximum of 6 total markings
- Maximum of 3 rare markings (both custom and random)
- Maximum of 2 hom markings (both custom and random)
- Primal markings are not available as either custom or random markings
- Color modifiers are available to purchase this year with a limit of 1 maximum per person, regardless of how many genos you purchase. This includes purchases that are for other people.
You may get ONE reroll for your geno if you get random markings and are unhappy with them. But beware- the first geno disappears, and all random markings will be rerolled. Be VERY sure you don’t want your first rolled geno if you are asking for a reroll.
Covering and sex will not be rerolled.
Once you have submitted the form, an admin will respond to confirm the total and request your PayPal email. You can either reply with your email in the comments, or you can send a note through deviantART or a discord message to said admin with your email if you are not comfortable sharing it publicly. You will then receive a PayPal invoice with your total. Once this is paid, an admin will reply again to confirm payment, and then you can move to Rolling to have the random elements of your geno rolled.
- Do not send payment until you receive confirmation to do so
- There are no refunds- please be sure you want to purchase before you send payment
- You may sell/trade/gift the genos you purchase, but only for the amount you paid or less
- You may purchase genos for other users if you state it at the time of purchase- otherwise you will have to make transfers yourself
Base color swatches:
Open images in a new tab to view the full size.
Standard colors-

Specialty colors-

All prices are in USD
View all species
Base price
Common species: $12
- Cryo, Sty, Para, Utah
Uncommon species: $16
- Pachy, Anteo, Shuno, Atopo, Tapejara
Rare species: $20
- Carno, Theri, Sucho, Aristo
View all markings and color modifiers
+ Standard color: free
+ Specialty color: $5
+ Common marking: $7 het - $10 hom
+ Uncommon marking: $12 het - $16 hom
+ Rare marking: $18 het - $22 hom
+ Random common: $5
+ Random uncommon: $10
+ Random rare: $15
+ Het. color modifier: 30% of geno total
+ Hom. color modifier: 60% of geno total
Purchasing for: [myself or another player- add name]
Species: [the species of the geno you want- you cannot change this later]
Build: [list each marking slot you want to add]
Total: [amount in USD]
Purchasing for: myself
Species: Cryolophosaurus - $12
Base - standard color
2 common (het) - $14
1 uncommon (het) - $12
1 random uncommon - $10
Total: $48
Purchasing for: myself
Species: Therizinosaurus - $20
Base - specialty color - $5
1 common (het) - $7
1 common (hom) - $10
1 rare (hom) - $22
1 random rare - $15
[Total so far: $79]
1 color modifier (hom) - $47.40 (60% of $78)
Total: $126.40
You may buy multiple genos in one comment, but please fill out a separate form for each.
Please read this post in its entirety before submitting a form!
Click here when you're ready to have your geno rolled.
This sale is now closed
Purchasing for: Myself
Species: Pachycephalosaurus – 16$
Base – Speciality Color – 5$
1 Common Marking, het. – 7$
1 Uncommon Marking, hom. – 16$
1 Rare Marking, het. – 18$
[Total so far: $62]
1 color modifier (hom) - $37 (60% of $62)
Total: [99$]
Purchasing for: Myself
Species: Anteosaurus – 16$
Base – Speciality Color – 5$
2 Common Markings, het. – 14$
1 Rare Marking, het. – 18$
Total: [53$]
Updated order:
Purchasing for: Myself
Species: Parasaurolophus $12
Base – Standard color
1 Common Marking, hom $7
2 Uncommon Marking, het $32
1 Rare Marking – het $18
1 Random Common Marking $5
1 Random Uncommon Marking $10
Total: $84
Purchasing for: Myself
Species: Carno $20
Base – standard color
2 Random Common Marking $10
3 Random Uncommon Marking $20
1 Random Rare Marking $15
Total: $65
Grand Total: $149
Purchasing for: Myself
Species: Utahraptor (Common – 12)
Base - Standard Color (0)
+1 Uncommon Marking – Custom, Hom - 16
+2 Rare Marking – Custom, Het – (18 3 = 36)
+3 Random Common Markings – (5 3 = 15)
[Total so far: 79]
+1 Color Mod (Hom) (60% of 79 = 47.4)
Total: 126.40
(Hope that's right!)