Semi Custom Rolling
Purchase your semi custom here first!
This is where you can bring your purchased semi-customs from the fundraising sale to get them rolled for the random elements!
When you purchased your geno, you chose several things:
- Species
- Base color type
- Total number of markings
- Rarity of each marking
- Custom or random for each marking
- Het or Hom for each custom marking/modifier
These things may NOT be changed after your purchase is confirmed.
For every geno purchased, you get to choose your own base color! Your base color must be picked from one of the provided swatches. When you made your purchase, you chose either Standard or Specialty color for the base. If you purchased a Standard color, you may only pick from those swatches. If you purchased a Specialty color, you may pick from the Specialty swatches.
Base color swatches:
Open images in a new tab to view the full size.
Standard colors-

Specialty colors-

You also get to choose which markings to use for your custom marking slots! You can pick markings by rarity for each slot you bought. Make sure you mark which are heterozygous and which are homozygous if you purchased both. If you purchased a color modifier, you may choose which one to add.
Your geno’s covering, sex, and all random marking slots will be rolled by staff!
Remember that if you are unhappy with your final roll, you may request ONE reroll per geno, which will change your random markings. Please be certain that you want a reroll before you do so, as your first roll vanishes and your final geno will be what you get on the reroll!
Please submit the following form with your custom elements filled out in your geno.
Do not do this until you have sent payment!
Base color: [either link a solid color swatch or post the rgb values]
Custom markings: [write each marking you want and het or hom for each]
Random markings: [write each random marking slot and rarity]
Base color: rgb(115,98,87)
Custom markings: Rimmed (het), Python (hom)
Random markings: 1 common
An admin will respond to your comment with your rolled geno!
To save the link to your geno for approvals, click on the icon in the bottom right corner of your reply to generate a link.
Base Color: rgb(239,229,190)
Custom Markings:
- Countershade [het]
- Siamese [hom]
- Fade [het]
- Haze [hom]
Random Markings:
- 2 Common [het]
Color Modifier: Volcanic [hom]
Base Color: rgb(30,29,29)
Custom Markings:
- Starred [het]
- Roan [het]
- Clouded [hom]
- Lacing [hom]
Random Markings:
- 2 Common [het]