What's that smell? (Spooky Encounter: Rot)

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Spooky Encounter: Rot - ( Halloween Event  2024 )

Writing by: Lil Monster

Da gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/xxinsanenightmarexx/gallery

Word count: 1000+

Dino’s Included: GhostFace (1727), Rot (5664)


A thick fog clung to the area as the swamp trees stood tall above them, the murky water giving off movement every once in awhile due to the many bugs that called the place home where most wouldn’t venture out this far along with the time of year of it being the halloween season which meant others used the area to cause trouble and scares but it seemed to be bare this year as something was told to be stalking the foggy swamps keeping every dinosaur out.  


A white face could been seen in the distance with red eyes scanning ahead of him, with soft steps as he moved through the swamp making sure to take note of any movement, his large stature making a looming shadow as he was on the hunt for a certain dinosaur who had been spoken off recently that went by the name of Rot. Ghost face had wanted to see where this dinosaur was that was described as looking like a walking corpse.


The swamp fog was thick and almost harsh to breath in but Ghostface didn’t allow that to stop him as he kept pressing forwards lifting his feet out of the mud that sucked him in with each step, making sure to stay quiet with each step. Many of the island's dinosaurs had been talking about Rot and Ghostface had Overheard of and he wanted to come face to face with this creature.


After awhile spending some time in the murky swamp Ghostface let out annoyed growls as his search was coming up with nothing so far but he wasn’t done looking as the swamp spanned for miles and Rot had to be somewhere lurking around. Large trees towered over Ghosface as he snapped at files that flew around his face in annoyance he was growing less patient the further he went in.


“This thing has to be around here, it sure is to exist” he hissed through his teeth before coming to a stop as he picked up a scent of a fresh kill and followed it his red eyes now focused on in front of him with each step he stook getting quicker and quicker as he came into a opening that looked like a den was made with fallen and bare trees and the smell of fresh blood floated its way to Ghostface’s snout.


The sound of crunching and ripping of flesh rung through Ghostface’s head as he approached  a dead carcass with the stomach moving slightly as something was eating from it giving off a rotten stance that made the large cryo step back a few, but as he did a large head with bloodied jaws looked towards him.


Covered in blood the creature in front of him bared teeth as his scales blended into the swampy area along with the thick fog that floated through the swamp thickening with every moment. With heavy chuffs he began to speak as he crawled over the carcass towards Ghostface who let out a low growl unsure about the dinosaur he had stumbled on.


“Who goes there, speak I can see you” the large anteo said through growls as he stepped forwards towards Ghostface who hissed as he approached closer but not too close so he was far enough away in case an attack was incoming.

“So your the “Rot” everyone has been speaking about recently, seems like you give off a unwelcoming vibe I can see why” Ghostface said circling Rot who was standing over his kill protecting it as he narrowed his eyes at Ghostface’s words and he didn’t like them before letting out a chuff.


“Did you just come to be an annoyance cryo” Rot growled as he climbed down off the corpse approaching Ghostface with bared teeth as he was coming short, Rot didn’t want to be bugged especially when he was enjoying a meal. The two predators in a standoff as the skull marking on Ghostface gave off spooky and eerie feelings that crawled under Rot’s skin that looked as if he had been rotting for years but it was just his markings.


“I just wanted to see what this Rot was about and now I see it’s a small dinosaur that just was scaring others” Ghostface growled as he leaned down sniffing the ground and licking his lips, “But now that I see you have a meal I am interested in taking that from you” he added before looking past Rot and at the carcass that laid on the ground. 


Rot didn’t like the words that had come out of Ghostface’s mouth as it seemed he tended on stealing his meal which wasn’t going to happen, Rot backing up as he growled and snapped towards Ghostface who circled as he loved getting a reaction out of the anteo who was unhappy with his presence but Ghostface took into account that Rot seemed to know what he was doing due to all his scars that covered his body.


“Not going to share how rude and especially during Halloween Rot” Ghostface said as he chuckled before standing still and looking around before deciding maybe it wasn’t worth getting in a fight today as he let out a sigh before looking back at Rot who was standing his ground.


“Well I got what I came here for, and that was to see what was lurking in the swamp and that was you!” Ghostface said before shaking his head and giving off a sinister smile  “maybe we will cross paths once more in the future, have a Happy Halloween” He said before leaving the way he had come from having to trek through the swamp once again and leaving Rot to do his own thing.


Rot let out a final growl before shaking his head and heading back to his meal, he wasn’t sure why everyone came to bug him during this time and he was finally happy to get some peace and quiet now that Ghostface was done toying with him.

What's that smell? (Spooky Encounter: Rot)
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In Literature ・ By XxLil-MonsterxX
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Submitted By XxLil-MonsterxX for Spooky Encounter: Rot
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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