Forest venture
Cozy has had enough of her herd. Simply and straight up. The parasaurolophus was still just a little, fluffy, pink thing beside the massive parasaurs next to her, but her contrasting personality has already been shining through. Headstrong and confident- and she knows it well.
All the coddling, all the shallow remarks of just how soft and innocent she looks has gone on her nerves for a while now, and no matter how much she barks back and insists to be treated with respect, the adults do nothing else but fawn over her even more so. Not to mention the aggravatingly relentless “Oh. Cozy, please be quiet.” - “Cozy stay close by.” - “Cozy don’t eat that.” - “Don’t go there.” - “Don’t do this.” - “Don’t do that.” ‘s that ruin her mood throughout the day again and again.
And how could they not worry and treat her like such a delicate helpless thing? Even after growing quite a bit since she tumbled out of her egg her legs seem just a little too short and her head a little too big to be taken seriously. Cozy herself though, she insists she is almost all grown up! She’s convinced of it! There should be no need to handle her like a days-old hatchling still. She knows what to eat and where to sleep- that’s all she needs to know, right? She can handle herself plenty!
With a very decisive bleep the small Parasaurolophus pouted and stomped the ground as hard as her petite little hooves could muster. She wanted to announce that she’ll venture out and live in the wilds on her own. That will show everyone how independent and strong she actually was. No one would think her weak no more!
As she announced her departure with sing-song bleeps, she waddled away from her herdmates. To her disbelief her attempt to make an impressive and heartfelt exit was merely met with a chuckle and half-worried looks. Not one stopped her. A last huff escapes Cozy as she stomps away as sure as ever.
Still sure and brave the parasaur increased the distance from her herd, even glancing back once or twice to see if she was followed by a worried adult. Truly she was alone. Finally she could taste freedom!
Venturing on into dense thicket, the dark line of forest beckoned her, its shadows full of mystery. The herd had always kept to the open plains, where dangers could be spotted from far and the wider fields kept the herd together. But Cozy’s heart thrummed with the longing to explore, to see what lay beyond the familiar.
This was her chance to prove her worth. Maybe she could bring some sort of token or trophy! Venturing from the plains her family grazed on into the gnarled forest, dank and foreboding, the parasaur didn’t even consider that there might be harm and danger hiding between the branches and brush.
With a burst of energy, Cozy trotted away, the grass whispering against her legs to turn heel and stay with the herd, but in her ignorant innocence she waddled on. The plains gave way to uneven terrain, the air feeling cool on her skin as she entered the shadow of the trees. She paused to marvel at the towering trunks, their leaves forming a thick canopy overhead. Her view was blocked by her herdmates more often than not, to look skyward unobscured by large bodies made her feel taller than ever before.
“This is amazing!” Cozy spoke softly to herself, her little voice bouncing off the trees. She pranced delighted through the undergrowth, nibbling at strange plants and poking her nose into stranger burrows and holes which were luckily unoccupied. The forest felt alive, like it was welcoming her into its secrets with the wind rustling through the leaves. She indulged fully, running about and exploring fallen tree trunks, watching bugs and nibbling at the mildly interesting.
Forgetting time, as the sun dipped lower, the forest began to change. Shadows deepened, and the once-inviting birdsong and chirps of the forest died down. Cozy, full from eating suspicious plants and tired on her feet, realised she hadn’t paid attention to where she was going or how late it had become. Every direction looked the same now. All around her were just trees, fern, bushes, and more unbelievably tall trees.
Her legs were tired and rising unease gnawed at her previously nonchalant nerves. Should she try and find her way back? She could surely sniff out her family, that much she had learned from daunting lectures. Raising her beaked nose up high and then low below, she pauses. Nothing. Nothing she recognises anyway. Ha, it’s not like she wanted to return just yet anyway. She just needs a niche to hide and she can sleep through the night safe and triumphant.
Her heart began to race. She trumpeted softly through her crest, playing her little song to calm her rising pulse. The sound echoed weakly in the dense forest, swallowed by the oddly thick air. This isn’t scary. Just a little dark. And colder than before.
Then, a new sound chimed in on her song, shaking her to the core. The low, guttural growl made her freeze up in an instant. She didn’t dare move a single muscle and her song stopped.
A pair of amber eyes gleamed from the shadows, peering at her with a relentless stare. It was smaller than her but the way the shadowy figure creeped between the trees marked it as a cautious predator. Its broad paws tapped lightly on the ground as it stalked closer, its lips curling into a snarl accompanied with its own growling song.
Cozy sticks out like a sore thumb with her pastel pink coat, bristled and frightened. A lone wolf wouldn’t even consider attacking such a large prey as a parasaur, but she was just a youngling still. Seeing eye to eye, peering at each other in a tense moment, she knew her silly game was about to go horribly wrong.
Her heart pumps rapidly in an attempt to make her move. Should she fight? It is just one wolf- a hungry one as seems- but she has no idea how to defend herself from predators. The herd usually discouraged any predator from coming too close. Oh. Spinning on her heels she let out a high-pitched cry and bolted in an instant, her nimble legs carrying her as fast as they could through the trees.
The peristence hunter of course chased after the soft pink dinosaur and snapped at her heels to keep her running. It was native to these woods and clearly knew where to go- and where to herd its prey.
Cozy didn’t dare glance back even after minutes of running. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she burst into a small clearing. She whipped her head around, trying to spot an escape route but to her horror she was trapped between the forest and high rocky walls. The predator closed the distance but halted, its teeth bared.
Licking its lips in contemplation it clearly never hunted prey that big on its own before. Pacing from side to side, closing in on the parasaur in semi-circles, it eagerly searched for a weak spot before even considering going for the neck.
Paniced, Cozy trumpeted again, a loud, trembling cry that echoed far beyond the clearing. From her position all she could do was to stand on her rear and clumsily flail her hooved limbs to discourage the wolf, with fleeting success. She wants to be brave and desperately tries to convince herself of it, but this, frankly, was terrifying.
Suddenly, an answering call boomed through the forest. It was deep, powerful, and unmistakable: her mother. Relief washed over Cozy as the ground began to quake with the pounding of heavy feet.
Bursting into the clearing came the towering form of her mother, followed by two other adults from the herd. Their sheer size alone made the wolf turn tail in an heartbeat. This hunt was risky for the predator from the starts but it sure wasn’t worth getting trampled by huge, angry dinosaurs. One of the adults even gave chase temporarily, swinging its head in a wide arc that sent the canine scurrying back into the shadows with a pitiful yelp. It better stuck to hunting sheep and deer instead.
Cozy’s quardian approached the shivering pink bundle, her eyes filled with equal parts relief and exasperation.
“What were you thinking, wandering off like that?” she scolded. The seeping worry in her voice made the young parasaur shrink down in guilt.
“I just…I wanted to…” Cozy’s stammering died down. What was she gonna say? That she felt annoyed that they cared too much? So much that she decided to leave? “I wanted to show I am strong. I can take care of myself.” Her voice was filled with honesty, but too small to sound brave. Shaken up and her legs still trembling, she pressed her snout against her mother’s side. “I didn’t mean to get into trouble.”
Her mother sighed, craning her neck protectively around her child. “The world is bigger and scarier than you realise, little one. You’re not ready to face it alone.”
Cozy nodded, her earlier excitement replaced with a humbling sense of reality. Together, the group began the trek back to the plains, her mother keeping a watchful eye on her the entire way.
As they emerged from the forest and the sight of the herd came into view, Cozy felt a surge of gratitude for the safety of the familiar. The thrill of adventure still tugged at her heart, but she knew now that some journeys were better taken with others by her side, no matter how much they annoyed her at times.
She might be coddled too much for her liking, but she was safe and protected here. She can be brave in company.
(1655 words according to google docs)
Cozy decides she doesn't need the herd and leaves in favour for the forest. She fails to consider there are not only dinosaurs in these woods.
Submitted By SollyRaptor
for An Accident
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago