[Trade] Celebrate Gourd Times- (Autumn 2024)
Celebrate Gourd Times- ( Autumn 2024 )
Writing by: Lil Monster
Da gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/xxinsanenightmarexx/gallery
Word count: 800+
Dino’s Included: Cedar (4964)
A cool breeze traveled across the island with small winds and cool air making a chill that even gave the most feathered dinosaurs a shiver and most deciding to hunker down rather than be out. But a smell had one herbivore in particular braving the cool weather and that was a large brown feathered Theri who went by the name of Cedar and she had been out foraging but for a certain autumn delicacy and she was on the tracks of it as she moved through a old forest area with bare trees, crushing leaves underneath her weight as she walked.
Cedar had been following the fermented smells of the various crops from the old farm fields that were just past the old rotted and dry forest she was in, overgrown and full of ripe pumpkins along with squash’s she was on her way as they provided a good source of food during the autumn months on the island and she would have to get there so others wouldn’t beat her too it. After a while she shook out her feathers before taking in another whiff of air before shaking out her feathers from the cool breeze that gave a little chill she picked up on the strong smelling scent once more she was getting closer and her stomach growled in excitement.
“ I am getting close to the farm fields and they shouldn't be much further, I cannot wait to try this year's pumpkin and squash. Last time I heard they were huge” Cedar said to herself as she smiled, picking up her pace a bit. As Cedar walked through the dry forest she could spot old pieces of pumpkins and other various crops from other herbivores who also were making a visit to the farm lands for a tasty snack. It only meant she was getting closer with each step and the mouth watering got even worse, which she leaned down to sniff each track that was left behind from others.
Coming out of the dry forest Cedar spotted the old fences that surrounded the crop lands as she finally had made it and was overcome with excitement as her stomach growled, shaking out her feathers she stepped over the fence that was much smaller than her as she didn’t want to break it. Once she made it over the fence she was in the fields that carried the smell that led her all the way here and she was ready to dig in, it was now just finding the leftovers that were hidden in the soft dirt.
Cedar leaned down as she used her long claws to move the dirt as she spotted a orange skin of a large pumpkin under the ground as she used her beak to break the stem, beginning to roll the pumpkin with her claws as she was careful not to break it. After a bit of digging and movement Cedar had finally gotten the plump pumpkin out of the ground as she smiled before pecking the hard outside to get into the gooey insides.
The pumpkin tasted great as she dug in using her claws to break it open shaking out her feathers once more as the taste of the ripe pumpkin filled her belly as she began to look for other crops that were hidden in the ground, the farm lands were bountiful this year and she had room for more to eat. Various squashes and lots of other crops Cedar had dug up and was eating before continuing on digging for more her once emptied belly now full of great food that only showed itself every once in a while.
“I am eating good today, these taste so much better then just the normal ferns and shrubs” Cedar said to herself as she sat down picking up a yellow squash and eating it as she never tried it although she preferred the orange pumpkins a lot more than the squash but it was still just as good, it seemed as if a lot of herbivores had made their rounds to the farm crops and she was happy to come alone as she could take her time and not have to fight others for her fill.
Cedar after a while had her fill as she was now full and decided it was time to head off as more herbivores would make their way here and she had her fun, standing up she picked up one last pumpkin before looking back at the farm stepping over the fence before smiling and deciding one more pumpkin wouldn’t as she held it in her claws taking it for a snack on her travels back to her normal area and plus she would have to wait till next year for the crops to prime up again but it was a day well spent, and now with a full belly.
Submitted By XxLil-MonsterxX
for Celebrate Gourd Times (Autumn 2024)
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago