Pathfinders gift.
It was a cold morning. The snow had fallen within the tree’s even more than the night before. The little Styracosaurus laid at the entrance of her little home. Constructed that of a hallowed bush, and moss and other small trinkets brought in to make it cozey. The flower decorations have died for the winter. But that didn't stop it from being home. The dark grey cow raised her head softly, a frost forming around her snout due to the cold. Her turquoise eyes, softly looking down at the two bundles curled up together at her side. Seeking warmth. Protection from the cold. Perhaps she needed to bring more moss to the den, or find a better home for the winter. That of stronger material, or hidden away from the cold winds. Slowly pushing herself upright, she carefully used her beak to slide the small hatchlings, one of a cream white and fluffy feathers. The other of a darker brown, with black markings. She pushed them closer together, and backed out into the snow, pushing more moss she had laid on closer to the little ones. Looking around, Pathfinder tried to find a something, anything to block the cold from the hatchlings. Trotting over to another bush and sinking her muzzle inside. Using her powerful jaws to snap the branch off and drag it over to block the entrance. To block the cold winds and snow. She would return, they will hopefully be alright. While searching for breakfast she will find a new den. As she turned to wade off in the snow, she thought maybe she may take the others towards the old broken human caves. The ones she heard the herds speak rumors of when she was small. Perhaps leftover moss and such was found there? She didn't know the way, but she would find it later. A little while later, after digging through snow and dirt, using her sharp horn laid up on her nose. She was able to find a couple acorns, pinecones, and other small things like roots. When something shiney caught the Styracosaurus eye. Turning her head to find it again, the small glimmer amongst the snow. It took a moment to locate it again, but once she did, she plowed through the snow to find it. Dropping the assortment of goods from her jaws next to her as she shoveled show to uncover whatever it was. Finding a small, broken, sliver like trinket. In the shape of a odd Herbivore. The body didn't seem like it shined, but the eyes did. Hard and round, and shining in the sun's light. It had something else with it, reaching carefully to grab it. It was soft, something she could warm and keep warm maybe? She placed the small item down with her breakfast, before looking down again. It seemed another item laid there, a item similar towards the soft herbore. Worn down dirty, and a little smelly… hopefully she could use it. She grabbed it too, throwing it above her horn and landing it onto her frill. She hooked the odd soft herbivore, and grabbed her breakfast once again. And trotted home.
Once returning home, she had held her beak over the branch, carefully dropping the food inside. Before trotting off to the creak nearby, this once in her youth appeared as that if a river, but now it didn't rise higher than her ankles. Shaking her head aggressively, the trinkets she found fell off. And she pushed them into the water. To wash away the dirt and any small pets. Once she found them to be clean she pulled them out and carefully returned them. Laying them on top of the bush to dry. Upon her opening the den and her hatchlings still sleeping, she curled back up with them and waited. Protecting them from the occasional water drop, formed from the gifts on the roof. Once she no longer could feel it, she got up and went to check on them. The noise her bringing the items down started to stirr her babies. “Mama?” Softly called little Faline, the cream fluffy baby, a small thunk could be heard outside before pathfinder poked her head back inside. “Babies! Good morning! Your breakfast is best to the nest my dears.. but before that, can you step outside?” Both hatchling Parasaurolophus carefully, and tiredly stepped out. As pathfinder shook the snow off her back, she pushed the tiny trinkets closer. “Mama found a gift for you two while she was away.. hopefully they can help keep you warm” she cooed, followed with soft grunts and gentle noises to show her affection. Both little hatchlings looked at the items. Before rushing over and leaping on them. “Oh! Thank you mama!” “We love them! Oh look! I can wrap this one around me!” honked little dire, using her tiny horn to push it over her body, as she flopped down and rolled in the soft fabric to warp it around her. While Faline laid on the big oddly soft human herbivore with black and white spots. “Hey! I want a turn later! You can cuddle uh, this thing too!” “Okay!” Pathfinders heart filled with joy, seeing the two of them play and seem so happy. She sat down, shifting to lay and tuck her limbs under her body. “I'll be moving us today as well, hopefully to find a warmer shelter.” “Awww but what's wrong with this one?” Asked little dire. Stuck on her back now. “It's getting much too cold for me to leave you little ones alone again. Perhaps we can find a temporary home near the hot springs?” “Yes! I loved that place! The water was all bubbly and warm!” Faline stated. “Werent you scared of the water?” Dire teased, as Faline gave a offended honk. “No matter girls. Both of you braved the waters, and you can play in them more if we go there. Why not we start after breakfast? Enjoy your gifts for now girls” pathfinder hummed. Lowering her head and nuzzling both little hatchlings. “Yes mama! Thank you mama!”
First writing prompt, might do a couple more of these if I don't have much time to draw. Hopefully the Grammer and such makes sense. Writing isn't my strongest suit.
Submitted By Donis
for Present of Mind ↻
Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago