[Trade] Present of Mind (Winter event 2024)

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Present of Mind ( Event Quest for : Romishi & Lil Monster )

Writing by: Lil Monster

Da gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/xxinsanenightmarexx/gallery

Word count: 1,000+

Dino’s Included: Monster (5774) , Bulrush (5477) , Mocker (5204)


The snow was falling softly across the island with many heading out to meet with old friends and give out gifts that they had made or found to one another as the cheer was high amongst this time of year. Excitingly a small group of carnivores had decided to get together and get gifts for one another and that consisted of a group of cryos who went by Monster, Bulrush and Mocker they were all on their way to meet at a well known area to them as each of them were bringing a present they were tasked with making for one another. It was early in the day and Monster had already been working on his gift he was bringing for Mocker and Bulrush which was various types of bones and meat he thought they would like

“I think they will like these a different variety of meat always does a carnivore some good” Monster mumbled to himself as he carried them in his claws making his way through the deep snow on his way to the meet up spot and he was feeling pretty festive. Further in the deeper part of the forest two figures moved through the snow as they dug around looking for their gift they wanted to bring to Monster with Bulrush being in the lead as Mocker wasn’t too far behind. They were a bit further as this was their first gift giving of the year so trying to find something they thought would be a good fit for their purple scaled friend.


“Mocker what about this thing, come look at it I think it would be a cool gift” Bulrush called out to the pale feathered cryo who was digging his face around in the snow before pulling it out. Quickly making his way over to Bulrush who had found a shiny stone that was considered rare to find on the island, with Mocker giving a toothy smile and nodding to Bulrush. “I think Monster will like it, he likes to collect odd things it could work but that means I gotta find something as well” Mocker said as he watched Bulrush pick up the rock before heading off to find his own gift to give to Monster as they continued to look while making their way to the meet up spot they agreed on.


Mocker jumped off a large snow covered log as he looked around for something he could gift to Monster and they were getting closer to the spot they wanted to meet at so he needed to find something quick before heading out, meanwhile Monster was making his way to the meet spot as he had picked up various items along with the meat scraps to give to Bulrush and Mocker.


“I think Bulrush and Mocker will love this other stuff, and I can't wait to see what they got me giving gifts it always fun” Monster said looking down at the items in his claws as he dashed through the cool snow, he was off on his way now getting closer and closer to the spot he spotted the cave before placing down the items and dusting off the snow from the rocky surface with his tail so it was nice and ready for the arrival of Bulrush and Mocker who should be making their way here soon.


“Come on Mocker did you finally find something? Bulrush called out before making his way up to Mocker who came back with a couple bones that he think that Monster would like before putting them down on the ground.


“ I think he will love these all different kinds of bones, but let’s head there now he’s probably waiting” Mocker said before the two nodded and headed off making their way quickly to the meet spot as Monster came into view.


Monster noticed the arrival of the two and stood

Up before letting out an excited call with calling out their names “ Bulrush and Mocker glad you could make it!” The three cryos making their way to the spot that Monster had cleared off with his tail, it was Great to get together with old friends and well what even better was exchange gifts with one another it always made the cold season better.


Bulrush and Mocker smiled and joined Monster before pulling out their gifts and pushing them over to Monster who was over excited looking over the stone and the bones they gifted him.


“We hope you like them, and Mocker took forever to find those bones for you” said Bulrush as he laughed looking at Mocker who was embarrassed, “ and I found you that rock I know you like to collect things thought it would be a good addition” Bulrush added. Monster was over the moon of the items the two cryos handed to him and it was now his turn, he looked behind him before pulling the meat scraps out and nudging them over to Bulrush and Mocker as the two cryo’s smiled and quickly grabbed them as they looked at Monster before thanking the purple cryo the different meat scraps were always a great find for carnivores and Bulrush and Mocker didn’t usually find this much so it was a great gift for the two from Monster.


“What do you two think? Did I do a good job, I always think meat scraps are a great gift to give out” Monster said before letting out a smile as he looked down at his gifts again awaiting an answer from the two. Bulrush and Mocker both nodded before thanking Monster “This is great stuff thank you for the gift Monster, you always find the good stuff every year” Mocker said before Bulrush also thanked him, afterwhile the group said their final goodbyes as Monster had other things to attend to and Bulrush along with Mocker had a long journey back to their territory.


Giving a final wave and nod they parted ways with their new gifts alongside them and would return again next year.  


[Trade] Present of Mind (Winter event 2024)
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In Literature ・ By XxLil-MonsterxX
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Submitted By XxLil-MonsterxX for Present of Mind ↻
Submitted: 2 months agoLast Updated: 2 months ago

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[[Trade] Present of Mind (Winter event 2024) by XxLil-MonsterxX (Literature)](https://www.primevalarpg.com/gallery/view/1316)
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