[Trade] All in the past (Winter event 2024)
All in the past ( Event Quest for : Mechanic Drone)
Writing by: Lil Monster
Da gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/xxinsanenightmarexx/gallery
Word count: 1,000+
Dino’s Included: Maelstrom (5645) , Anubis (707) , Ares (1422) , Santa Claws (2899)
It had been a couple days past a harsh snowfall and many dinosaurs were coming out of their hiding places and a group were out looking for food as it had been awhile since they had eaten with the leader of the group being a black feathered utahraptor named Anubis who was annoyed with the snow taking his steps carefully not to slip, his other two much bigger counterparts who went by Maelstrom and Ares.
“We can finally hunt for something or at least look, I am tired of the snow can it just leave already” Anubis said as he growled to himself “Besides it brings that white and red feathered herbivore named Santa Claws around, everything is so cheerful” he said before looking behind him to see Ares and Maelstrom holding back in chuckles due to his grumpy mumbling.
Ares the large black and red scaled carno caught up to Anubis and shook his head before speaking “You saw Santa Claws once and yelled at him for the snow and I think he smiled and gave you a present” Ares said looking down at the snow “Besides don’t ruin it for Maelstrom he hasn’t ever seen the jolly guy” he said walking past Anubis as Ares felt his stomach grumble they were getting hungrier but due to Anubis being slow it was going to be awhile, Anubis shook off Ares pep talk and grumped continuing on as he looked back at Maelstrom who was silent taking in the snow around them, it was his first snow fall and he always heard about Santa Claws but he never met the herbivore in person himself.
He could only remember being small and seeing a red theri but it was always a blur from last year, lost in his thoughts he shook his head before catching up to Anubis and Ares, they had been on the well traveled pathways for a while now but they were about to come up on a large group of dinosaurs who were surrounding one in the middle cheering and chanting that echoed from the group towards the three with Anubis being the one to come to a stop first as he sniffed the air, he didn’t like the scent.
“Look it’s Santa Claws!, he is handing out gifts come on everyone” a small cryo clicked out as a few more dinosaurs followed the small carnivore to the large red feathered Santa Claws, causing Anubis to stop dead in his tracks with Ares and Maelstrom coming to a stop confused by Anubis’s actions.
“What's the matter Anubis did you see something, Maelstrom you?” Ares said as he looked ahead seeing the large group, with Maelstrom also confused as he tilted his head before turning his attention back to Anubis who had his jaw dropped… it was Santa Claws in the flesh again, the raptors worst nightmare.
“Isn’t that Santa Claws, Ares?” Maelstrom said as he overheard the group before hearing Anubis step forwards puffing himself up, it wasn’t going to be good or so they thought trying to catch up to Anubis who was making his way to the group and Santa Claws.
“This isn’t going to be good Maelstrom, just follow him” Ares said as he shook his head following the old grumpy raptor last year he gave him a scolding about the snow and blamed it on the herbivore but something looked different about the way Anubis was looking. Maelstrom nodded and followed pushing past the group who made way for the three.
“Hey is that Santa Claws, Move let me see I have some choice words with him” Anubis growled as she pushed past the many other dinosaurs who had swarmed Santa Claws as he was giving out gifts to all of them and giving a jolly clack of his beak before turning his attention to Anubis who caught him off guard due to remembering the three from last year, and the first meeting wasn’t pleasant as he remembered they blamed him for the snow that coated the ground.
“Well well look who it is the all famous Santa Claws, bringing the snow once again hmm?” Anubis said looking at Santa Claws who chuckled at his words “Well of course I do it every year, it always seems to follow me Anubis, here to give me trouble again are you?” He said with a chuckle looking at Ares and Maelstrom who stood by Anubis waiting for an answer and apologizing to SantaClaws for Anubis’s behavior.
“We are so sorry Santa Claws we have gotten over it but doesn’t seem like he has” Ares and Maelstrom said bowing their heads before looking at Anubis who shook his feathers and sat down in the snow which wasn’t like him, it seemed like he wasn’t going to get mad and was happy to see Santa Claws just like them compared to last year where the three weren’t too excited to see the theri but this time was different for all of them which surprised the large herbivore.
“No , myself and Ares along with Maelstrom had come to enjoy the festivities unlike last year, you thought I wouldn't get over it” he said as he nodded looking at Maelstrom and Ares who were joining in and smiled with the words from Anubis , it was different this time and the three were happy to see and join in on the fun with Santa Claws instead of bickering and making everything un fun.
“Well how nice is that, here is a couple of gifts for you, thank you for changing your mind this year it is always nice to have more around” Santa Claws said as he handed Maelstrom, Ares and Lastly Anubis a present before sitting down himself and the entire group joining in with the rest and enjoying the presents they got from Santa Claws and for the first time enjoying the snow, it was nice guess they grew from last year. Anubis leaned down taking the present in his claws as he and his friends opened them and enjoyed the fun.
Maelstrom the sucho smiled as he dug into his present moving his tail back and fourth as he watched looking down at Santa claws's gift he was given and out he pulled a large fish before taking it in his jaws and placing it back into his claws "A giant fish for me!, this is going to be such a great snack!" he said outloud before ripping the fish in half and gupling it down as he watched Ares and Anubis enjoying the presents they had gottten, it was the sucho's first christmas and he would now look forwards to it next year.
"This is the best first christmas celebration ever thank's for letting me tag along Ares and Anubis" he said chuckling when he was met with nods from the carno and utahraptor, as he turned his head towards Santaclaws "And it was nice to finally meet the legend behind the name" Maelstrom added before going back to chatting with his friends as the three enjoyed eachothers company and now were filled with spirit alot more then before.
Submitted By XxLil-MonsterxX
for All in the Past ↻
Submitted: 1 month ago ・
Last Updated: 3 weeks ago