[Trade] Future Proof (Winter event 2024)

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Future Proof ( Event Quest for : Mechanic Drone)

Writing by: Lil Monster

Da gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/xxinsanenightmarexx/gallery

Word count: 1,000+

Dino’s Included: Khepri (2192) , Anubis (707) , Yuma (460)


It was a cold night on the island and the snow had been blowing for hours and hours on end causing most dinosaurs to give up their attempt to prepare for next season and to try another day but others knew the importance of stockpiling and to be prepared beforehand, and a small pack of utahraptors who were braving the cold temperatures were out looking to gather supplies and maybe get a hunt in so they could stockpile their food supply to the max for next season as it was just around the corner. Anubis was the leader of the pack. He and Yuma knew the ways of being prepared as they had been through many of it before, but alongside them this year was a much younger utahraptor who went by the name of Khepri.


Yuma and Anubis has been tracking for a while following a set of footprints in the snow which gave the pack hope as some dinosaurs who didn’t make in time to hide away from the storm could be lost and it would be super beneficial for the three if they could get a hunt, they would be fed until next season rolled around but finding the footprints was the first part and now it was the tracking that was the hard part.


“If we follow these footprints and end up with a hunt we will be set for next season” Anubis said as he sniffed the air shaking his feathers out to keep the snow from packing onto his body, before looking at Yuma and Khepri who nodded in agreement. Getting ready for the next season was always a challenge but the three were up for it every year, and it only ever got harder but they always got through this year would be no different.


Yuma sniffed the air as she took off first with Khepri not far behind her. They had picked up more tracks not far from the first and it looked to be a young parasaur who got split from its main herd. Yuma and Khepri followed the tracks which led into deeper snow with Anubis following behind and using the harsh snow to cover their positions they were getting closer and closer within the minute. Yuma would take the lead infront as she kept her eyes open taking in every little detail she could before speaking again, her feathers raised on high alert.

"I think I smell them up ahead, what do you think Anubis?" Yuma growled lowly before taking a postion next to him, her stance strong and silent , she was a great hunter along with tracker so this was right up her alley.

"I'll take this side you two stay infront, besides I am always best at distracting" Khepri hissed softly before getting a nod from Yuma and Anubis in agreement with his actions his feather pattern helping him keep hidden as it wasn't easy to pinpoint it. Khepri had just been learning hunting as Yuma was way better at it then him but he was learning fast so it didn't bother him to hang back as much, he was now in postion waiting for Anubis's go ahead.


“I think it’s up ahead, keep low we can’t miss this” Anubis said as he stalked forwards growling as he watched Yuma and Khepri get into position, the young parasaur was trying to make its way through deep snow but was clearly tired from the storm and wasn’t making any progress it seemed, young who were lost from the herd didn’t make it very far and it allowed carnivores like this pack to benefit in stockpiling for next year and that's what they were here to do.

"Are you two ready" Anubis said.

Yuma nodded before giving off a grin "Yes I am, Just give me the word" she said before looking at Khepri and waiting his answer

"I am ready when you two are!" Khepri barked at the ready.

As it came into view the utahraptor pack was at the ready making sure each step mattered when they walked, Khepri was up ahead while Yuma and Anubis hung back to add even more surprise to the attack and take down of the young parasaur. 


“Now Khepri, chase it backwards! And Don’t mess up!” Anubis barked out as he watched Khepri leap onto the side of the now panicked young parasaur who started to run backwards with Khepri clung to it’s side as he dug his claws into its soft underside and jumped off as Yuma and Anubis added to the attack jumping out in front of the parasaur causing it to stop in its tracks as they now circled.


Slash and attack after attack along with the echoes of barks and hisses followed by painful bellows as both parties were using all their strength to make it through but with a final thud and splash of blood on the white snow, Yuma and Anubis had brought down the young parasaur along with Khepri joining the two at the fresh kill, they had done it and secured enough food to stockpile for next season but it was now time to drag it back to their cave.


“Good work team, this was a hard fought battle but we did indeed do it” Anubis said but now it was time to do the hardest part, was getting it back. Yuma,Khepri and Anubis all did their part as they began to drag the freshly killed parasaur and it was time to head back. The snow storm had gotten worse making it hard to see but with hard work and undying strength after a while the three had managed to drag it back to the cave.


Yuma dropped the leg as she shook out her feathers before entering the cave first followed by Anubis and Khepri joined in with her as they also shook of their feathers before turning their attention back to their food as they moved it into the cave placing it in their eating area, followed by bringing in some old foliage into the cave so they could make it cozy as they would stick to their cave for the most of the end of the season until the new one came around.


After a bit of moving and placing Yuma laid down in the cave with Khepri joining in as they cleaned their feathers from the snow and Anubis checked once more outside of the cave seeing that the blood from their kill now was coated with white snow and their tracks were covered, satisfied with his packs work and now feeling ready for the next season he headed back inside with his pack.


“Good work pack, I think we will be all ready for the next season, with full bellies and a comfy place to rest” Anubis said to Yuma and Khepri who nodded in agreement, the leader laying down with them.


“I think we are more prepared than last year Anubis, we got super lucky with that young parasaur, and well done Khepri!” Yuma responded. 


I think I could use the rest now, I think we all need it and thank you Yuma” Khepri said before each of the pack members laid down to get rest now having no worry about next season on its way.




[Trade] Future Proof (Winter event 2024)
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In Literature ・ By XxLil-MonsterxX
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Submitted By XxLil-MonsterxX for Future Proof ↻
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 3 weeks ago

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