Creepy Crawlies And Bees!

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Ruth wasn’t looking forward to this, but desperate times have come upon her and she needs to eat something.

Though, as Ruth stared at the ants crawling over her paws, she grimaced. Sure, she knew it was healthy for her to eat bugs. But this… Even the thought of eating something like this makes her skin crawl.

Ruth can tolerate a lot of things, but bugs? She’s not sure why, but just looking at bugs creeps her out let alone touching one and now eating them? Ugh, she thought she would never have to do it.

Ruth would never admit that fact, but yes, she is fearful of bugs. Now, she’s not necessarily scared of them, more so that they just…freak her out. Especially spiders. Whoever invented spiders should be burnt at the stake, cause they are the devil incarnated.

Ants aren’t too bad, but they do look creepy with their many legs and the way they are walking over her paws are creeping her out. She could feel their many legs stepping on her-

And one is crawling up to her thigh.

Ruth gave the most girliest shriek of her life as she frantically started smacking the ants off her thighs and ran away into the bushes.

That…was horrifying…

Ruth can deal with a lot. She can deal with getting covered in mud, animal blood, and even guts and puke. But dealing with insects and bugs?! That’s where Ruth’s girly side comes out.

Breathing deeply, she glanced out of the bushes, and her green eyes stared at the ant hill. Her skin shivered at seeing the enormous amount of ants that were now crawling out of the hill thanks to her disturbing the ants that had crawled on her.

And yet, despite everything, her stomach growled.

Yeah, okay, prey has been tough lately. Now with everything waking up, including the predators living in this forest alongside her, prey has been hard to come by. And she’s starving thanks to that. She needs to eat something, and…here is something.

But why does it have to be ants?! Why can’t it be a rabbit? Or a falcon! Or even a coyote! She’ll take one of those! Heck, she’ll even take a bear at this rate! Anything but ants!

Not only are they creepy crawlies, but they also don’t give her the satisfaction of a hunt! One of the many things Ruth loves about hunting is the thrill of the chase, the blood that enters her mouth as she bites into the prey, and the enjoyment she gets as she tears the flesh off the body and eats the warm flesh.

But insects? You don’t get that enjoyment! Bugs taste funky, there’s no warm flesh to rip off, and there’s no thrill of the hunt. Nothing!

But if Ruth wants to eat something…this may be her only chance…

Ruth grumbled to herself as she stepped out of the bushes yet again, and she walked over to the ant hill. She grimaces for what must’ve been the tenth time today since she’s stumbled upon this ant hill. As soon as her eyes laid on the ants, she wanted to run away.

It took all of her willpower to stay there, how she was going to slurp these guys up is beyond her.

But she has to do this, she has to do this if she wants to eat.

Ruth took in several deep breaths to calm her racing heartbeat. Well, in a way this is a thrill of the hunt. But goodness, does it feel completely different. And not in a good way, oh no, this feels so awful.

Maybe if she doesn’t look at the ants then she could eat one? Might as well try it out.

So, with her eyes closed, she reached into the ant hill to scoop up some ants. Or well, she tried, cause the moment she felt the many tiny creatures crawl over her paw, it was over. She was done.

Yelping to herself once again, she frantically smacked her paw against the ground. Though she only stuck her hand in the ant hill for not that long of a time, when she opened her eyes, she swore every ant in that hill was currently crawling on her paw.

And in that moment, Ruth seriously thought she was going to die.

She couldn’t get the ants off of her fast enough.

She kept beating her paw against the ground so hard that she swore she felt something crack in her wrist. But did she care?! Hell no she didn’t!! She kept beating her paw harder and harder, and she only stopped once she was certain that every ant was off of her paw.

And it was only then that she noticed that she was somewhere else entirely. Oh, she guessed in her stressed-out state, she must’ve been running around the forest trying to shake off those ants from her. Where was she? Well, whatever, at least she’s away from those disgusting vermin!

Wait, what was that buzzing noise?

Ruth turned, and behind her up on a tree that wasn’t that high up, was a beehive! Alright, now these are one insect that she has no problem with eating, surprisingly. Sure, they’ve got a bunch of legs, but she doesn’t find them as scary for whatever reason.

But, their stings can be annoying…

At the same time though, not only does she eat the bees but also their honey!

A lot more better catch than those ants that’s for sure.

Taking in another breath, she began her climb up to the beehive, which wasn’t that bad. These bees didn’t choose a great place to pick their beehive. This tree was small and the branches weren’t thick at all, so they are easily spotted through the few leaves on this tree. Oh well, more honey and bees for her!

As she got closer to the beehive, the bees started noticing her and were buzzing around more frantically as if warning her to get away. But she didn’t care. Instead, she stopped right in front of the beehive…and just stuck her hand right through the beehive’s walls.

Almost immediately the bees turned from a warning buzz, to an angry buzz…and that’s when the stinging started.

As Ruth grabbed a massive chunk of honey and began eating the beehive’s wall, she could feel the many bees stinging her left and right. Her gaze went down to see the welts starting to form on her skin. But she wasn’t too worried about that, those welts would go away in a few days. It’s no biggie.

After finishing eating the chunk of honey, she reached out to grab a handful of angry bees and she just…stuffed them in her mouth. Now, the buzzing was very annoying to hear inside of her mouth, if she doesn’t eat these suckers quickly then the noise will start to give her a headache.

But, she began crunching, and she could hear the buzzing eventually dying down along with the stinging in her mouth. After she had eaten that mouthful up, she licked her lips and dug around for some more honey, all the while ignoring the many angry bees swarming around her.

However, once she dug a hole in the beehive and glanced inside, she could see that this beehive…wasn’t actually that big by any means. There were a lot of bees swarming around her and yet the beehive wasn’t even a decent size. She’s seen tons of beehives that were twice the size of this, if not bigger! Hm, maybe this was a struggling beehive that couldn’t make ends meet?

Ruth shrugged to herself, not that it was any of her problem. She may not get a full meal this time around, but anything is better than nothing in her book! And plus, even though the beehive wasn’t that big, the honey was still very tasty!! Honestly, she had forgotten how delicious honey tasted! It was soft and gooey in her mouth, and the crunching of the bees was a nice change of flavor in her mouth!

After about a half hour of munching on the bees and chewing up their honey, Ruth was finally starting to get full. And…oh, that was the last of the beehive and bees. Oh well, looks like she’s done here for now.

Ruth hopped down from the tree and licked her lips in satisfaction as she started heading home. Oh yeah, that meal was definitely better than some stupid ants for sure. She got two meals in one with that beehive! Sure, there were more ants in the ant hill but there wasn’t any honey, so that wasn’t fun-

Why did she feel something crawling on her leg?

Ruth glanced down, only to shriek once again at finding a bunch of ants crawling on her. They must’ve been crawling on her when she was in the tree and didn’t notice it until now!

Ruth frantically kicked her leg out in between her running to head home, she was done for the day. No more ants! Please! She can deal with anything but these stupid ants!!!

Creepy Crawlies And Bees!
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In Literature ・ By DareToBeChopped
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Submitted By DareToBeChopped for Insectivore
Submitted: 5 months agoLast Updated: 5 months ago

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[Creepy Crawlies And Bees! by DareToBeChopped (Literature)](
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