Finding Out
Ever since the defeat of Nidhogg Nyctimene was hearing rumors. Something escaped from the labs. She was scared. Born in labs she was, running away pretty soon, the moment Zone A opened up. In labs though she heard what was luring in Zone D. She heard the horrifying rumors about a monster, ready to devour everyone.
And yet, here she was! Looking for it. Searching, if the rumors were true. Her nature couldn’t afford her to not know what was it. She had a child, Corone. For his safety she needed to know if it was true.
So there she ventured, alone and to a distant place. She was searching for any signs of a monster, any she could find! She even ventured to the Labs and started her search here. The moment she entered Alpha Labs, she was welcomed by a gross stench and destruction. She did not know, what happened here. Entering the Zone A of Alpha Labs made her remember her childhood, which she frowned upon. All she could find were deep and scary scratch marks on the floor and walls. But no rumored monster here. So she left, promising herself she won’t be back at Alpha Labs, under any circumstance. Maybe if her child safety and health was in danger… but that is only a maybe! Never the first choice.
She started sniffing around, hoping she will find any leads. And she did found a scent of a beast, and she started following it. She ventured far, into the lands of her unknown, mountains of some sorts. Nyctimene was no adventurer, and she was worried about her son. She left him with her friend, Hippogryff, but… she was younger than Nyctimene was. She was just worried. Nyctimene was also not a fan of the harsh environment she found herself in. High mountains, almost no trees and cold, cold whiff of wind, that almost was cutting through her skin and feathers. She sneezed and huffed when climbing in these harsh conditions, trying her best to keep her eyes peeled and her snout sniffing at all times. And then she found it. The beast!
Or at least she thought it was a beast.
Because the beast had a name, and the name wasn’t Nidhogg but Víðópnir. When she encountered the little parasaurolophus she couldn’t help but wonder what happened. Why is the little hatchling here, searching for seemingly nothing, being all hyperactive and resolute. Big, white eyes shot through the little paras, waiting if they will realize that there is a much bigger and dangerous dinosaur above them. One, that could easily devour them and crush them. But no. The little hatchling had no self-control or any survival instinct.
“Are you lost, little one?” Nyctimene said finally, after watching the unknown to her paras. She was no monster. She wasn’t even trying to hurt the little hatchling or kill it. She was just confused as for why the baby, that for her, it could have just been hatched, was wandering off and searching for something.
Little white and purple-ish paras jumped and looked Nyctimene straight in the eyes. She saw little flaps on his head, under his eyes and under the neck. She was wondering what it is. Is it contagious? The little quills on his butt raised and Nyctimene opened her eyes even further.
“Woah…! No need for that. I just want to help you… you seem to be lost…” she said in gentle manner, lowering her body so she will not spook the little guy anymore.
“What is your name? My name is Nyctimene. I have a child your age.”
The little guy pondered a moment, still looking in the eye of the predator, very… predatory.
“I'm Víðópnir! Vido! I’m… I’m… ee… AH YEAH. I’m looking for the beast! You know the beast? THE beast from the labs! I was born in the labs! I was… ee… hearing! About the, THE BEAST! They stink! And they glow! And they have spikes! You heard about them right??” once Vido opened his mouth there were a long river of words, that escaped his mouth.
Nycti chuckled, looking at excited hatchling, while Vido just pouted. He couldn’t afford to have anyone to laugh at him!
“If you don’t want to help, just go! Or I will stab you with quills!” he screamed. Nycti just shook her head.
“No, no. You are… you are just like my son. Come on. I will help you search for the beast.” she said, standing up and brushing her tail on a little body of the paras hatchling. She smiled and they ventured forward.
They were searching for everything they could find. Any clue, any skin scales or tooth missing. Blood or skin. Then suddenly Vido screamed over to Nycti, that he found something! When the alberto scurried over to hatchling. He found something! It was claw markings. Nyctimene said good job to the little guy, and then they started following the trail.
After some time, Vido was tired, as he is a child and has very low energy. Nyctimene picked him up and carried him for some distance. He was light, as a feather.
Finally. They found what they were looking for. Big cave, high in the mountains. With snow under their feet, Nyctimene and Vido were ready, to face the dangers of the rumored beast. Vido hopped off big alberto ride and started exploring everything near him. Every rock was turned, every bush was looked under, and calm snow patches were destroyed, so he can search under them too!
But Nyctimene knew where she needed to look for the rumored beast. She started to walk forward, closer to cave opening, with every step closer to heart attack. The moment when Vido saw his new friend move away, he sprinted to Nycti, busting her silent cover.
From inside the cave there were visible two eyes. Blue as a sky, piercing Nyctimene and Vido. Then, large and long therizinosaurus emerged from the dark shadows, scaring Vido and causing Nyctimenes feathers to stand up.
And then there was a voice.
It was Vido, hiding behind Nyctimene, shaking. Alberto sighed and looked theri in the eye. She could beat him if she wanted.
“You’re… Nidhogg?” she asked.
The blue-eyed theri just blinked a few times.
“Who? I don’t know them. I’m Void. My name is Void. Who the hell are you two?” he asked, visibly frustrated.
Nycti sighed and then just shook her head.
“You… you caused a great rumor, Mister Void! Have you heard? Giant in mountains, covered in feathers and spikes, glowing eyes…” Nycti started. “AND YOUR AWFUL SMELL” Vido followed.
Rosette theri just shook its head. He couldn’t believe his ears!
“You’ve got a not so nice reputation. I don’t know what you did, Mountain Monster, but… if you want less of those visits, I would try to be more nice. Come one, Vido.” Nycti finished, took hers little companion and Vido followed her, proudly showing his tongue to Void. They found their rumored beast. Vido was very proud of their accomplishments. They scared off the big bad guy, that scared his friend! And not him, nu-uh.
It was a long day. Nycti found her child and introduced him to Vido. But her uneasiness stayed. Nidhogg… he could still be there somewhere. Lurking in the shadows.
Words: 1225
my first lit wooo
Submitted By Arietes
for Previous Season Resubmissions
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Submitted: 10 months ago ・
Last Updated: 10 months ago