[Trade] Memorable Moment

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Memorable Moment - (Age-up for : Magpie )

Writing by: Lil Monster

Da gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/xxinsanenightmarexx/gallery

Word count: 1,503 Words

Dino’s Included: Magpie (2105)

Quiet had taken over the island as the weather had been up in the best way possible for the past months with many herbivore herds traveling around for food and a change of scenery, but one herd in particular was set and nestled in a dirt pathway that went deeper into the forest as they needed and were using the soft dirt for something special over the last few weeks. Through the thick foliage many figures could be seen some carrying foliage in their bills as a lot of adult parasaur were bringing and rushing food to the sound of many chirps and eggs cracking began to echo in the small area and among the new parents was Magpies mother who had been eagerly awaiting the arrival of her hatchlings as she made her way quickly to a dirt mound that was covered in foliage from her gatherings from before. The sound of cracking and chirps got louder the closer she had gotten a smile coming across her bill as egg shells were kicked away with small parasaur hatchlings that were crawling out of the egg shells as she looked down letting out a honk with joy.


As she watched her eggs hatch along with many of the other mothers nests who also were nesting, one large egg caught her eye as no movement could be seen from it, with a concerned look she nudged the egg as her many other hatchlings had already hatched and were vibrant with colors on their scales.


“ aw not a dud again, this happened last nesting” she mumbled to herself as she watched the large egg with no movement. Turning away she began to take care of her other hatchlings as the egg began to move around slightly wiggling as the egg shell began to break. 


The mother turned back to the nest as her eyes widened at the eggs movement, it was hatching! The egg shook and cracked as the color of dark scales could be seen, with little legs and a tail coming out the mother parasaur honking encouragement to the hatchling.  A gray and white hatchling rolled out of the self as it sneezed on the eggs liquid that kept it once warm and cozy as he spit it up getting a fresh breath of air into his lungs.


The hatchling opened his eyes staring up at his mother who looked at him lovingly, as he stood up wobbling on his new legs soon falling out of the nest rolling on the ground as he shook the dirt off his scales. He was much duller than the rest of her brood which she found odd and spotted a bright white face with small black markings, but he was perfect to his mother as fellow herd mates walked over to investigate the hatching of the last egg.


“Isn’t he a little dull in color” one female said whispering behind the mother as they talked amongst the group, it was odd and not common for babies to hatch that gray. The new mother ignored the chatter behind her as she leaned down nuzzling the new male calf “oh you are precious , what would be a good name for you” she said softly. After a bit of thought she smiled with her bill “how about Magpie that suits you my little gray” she said curling him in her front hooves. Magpie let out a honk of approval as he snuggled into his mother's embrace watching his siblings run around playing. Soon finding his feet underneath him but still a little wobbly as he took a few steps before falling face first onto the ground. 


Magpie looked around as he sneezed from the dirt seeing a bunch of other mothers who were welcoming the hatchlings into the world, getting his feet under him again he stood up shaking off the rest of the wet egg sack from him. He was born into a harsh world which he would soon learn about but for now it was learning how to eat and walk with the pesky legs, slowly taking a few steps as he got familiar with his bill and small horn.

“Look he is standing , quick too” his mother said as she talked to others around with them still questioning his dull colors. The world around him was loud and bright as he adjusted to the sounds before walking over to his siblings who were playing with each other , his mother following behind them as she smiled across her bill. It was time for the babies to get their first taste of real food as Magpie kept up as he let out a happy honk towards his mother, hatching and making it the first few days was an accomplishment for most as most didn’t make it. The herd moved into a large leafy area as the young followed behind with Magpie stopping to get nudged by his mother as he was behind but quickly caught up getting hung up on the area around him.


They soon came to a stop as Magpie's mother leaned up taking a bunch of foliage in her bill before dropping it below her feet to her hatchlings, as she motioned to them to try it. The hungry hatchlings rushed over as they looked over the new food item, along with them was Magpie as he looked at the leafy greens as he leaned down picking one up in his bill before spitting it out with a not so excited face. It tasted awful, at least to him as he looked up at his mother who nudged him back towards the leaf for him to eat it. They would need it to become strong after just hatching and would get over the new taste in time.


With that the herd had settled with the new hatchlings playing around as the new mothers watched over them, Magpie next to his mother looking over at the nest he once came from not too long ago. His mother watching over him with a concerned look “ I wonder if he will be okay, those colors can come off with harsh treatment” she mumbled but smiled at Magpie as she watched him try and munch the new food. After eating and hatching it was a lot for the day of a hatchling as all the herd members laid down to rest with all the younglings going back to their mothers as Magpie followed his siblings cuddling next to their mother as he watched the sky with a smile as he nudged his mother lovingly before laying down next to her.

He made noises or tried to honk his horn like the much older parasaurs in his herd but he didn’t have the strength like they did for all he was just a hatchling but it was something that would help aid him when he was much older. His mother would teach him the ways of the herd in the next days to come the older her babies got along with Magpie but that was for another day.  


It was a big day for Magpie as hatching and came out a not normal color what was in store for the young parasaur, from learning how to use his legs and eat the random leafs that tasted gross to him. But for now all he had to do was rest with his mother who was happy to have him hatched and not a dud egg anymore like last year.


As the night got darker his eyes grew heavy as he fought of sleep but soon laid his head down next to his mother as she looked down watching her newly hatched babies, her worry still there for Magpie what would he do as he got older with being so dull but for now it didn’t matter she had her baby and they needed to rest along with her as taking care of eggs was a lot for them. It would be a day to remember though for Magpie as most hatch days were for dinosaurs as it started off their memories some with better some with worse but Magpie seemed to have a better start of life even if hatching was a tough thing for the little parasaur. Finally resting his eyes Magpie couldn’t fight sleep anymore, with one final coo he dozed off as the sight of the dark night and his mothers look faded, besides hatching was only the beginning as Magpie grew he would face more dangers the harsh world he was born into would have to offer.


His mother soon looked back down at him before laying her head down “my late hatcher you will do big things and grow strong I just know it” she said before closing her eyes and letting out a content honk. The herd was now all sleeping as the night breeze blew through the island, now all silent from the happy honks of the many welcoming of the new babies.

[Trade] Memorable Moment
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In Literature ・ By XxLil-MonsterxX

Age-up for : Magpie (2105)

Submitted By XxLil-MonsterxX for Memorable Moment
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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