[Trade] Stronger than You

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Stronger than you - (Age-up for : Magpie)

Writing by: Lil Monster

Da gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/xxinsanenightmarexx/gallery

Word count: 1,515  Words

Dino’s Included: Magpie (2105) , NightStalker (5117) , Jaeger (4464)

The island fell dark as after a long day many of the inhabitants were calling it a night as most moved to find a spot to rest under the stars. A lot of the herds found spots hidden away from predators that used the dark nights to secure meals, and Amongst many of the herds was the well known parasaur herd. The sound of chattering as most were finding spots in the foliage to rest mothers tucking away their young ones close as the watchers of the herd took posts on each side to keep look out for danger. A well known face was within the herd as they lay to rest and it was Jaeger who was now a young adult but behind him trotting was Magpie now grown into his white face and gray colors he was just making his way to join the rest of the herd but he was up to some trouble, needing his partner in crime he was on the way to get Jaeger to join him.

“Psst Jaeger wake up , let’s go explore. I don't want to sit here and sleep and I think I found a cool spot, "Magpie said leaning down as he blew on Jaeger's face, waking his friend who was groggy and half asleep. Standing tall as he waited for him to stand up and follow him , making sure their mothers weren’t awake “come on dude let’s go” before he began to tip-toe through the sleeping herd members. Magpie had become a little bold in his later adult years and sticking to the herd was not really his ideal meaning of a good time, usually dragging Jaeger into it.


The two young males made their way as Jaeger caught up to Magpie “ where are we even going, do you even know?” he asked shaking himself awake, with Magpie giving off a grin “I found a cool place a little ways from here, and I want to check it out it looks abandoned”as he pushed away some thick foliage before walking through the dark forest with Jaeger behind him as they trotted further away from the herd, little did they know they were being stalked by a silent predator that was following the parasaur herd and was waiting for them to settle for the night before striking. It had turned its attention to the smell of Magpie and Jaeger as it began following closely through the foliage but staying quiet. 


Magpie trotted forwards as he laughed “Come on Jaeger there is nothing out here, and if so it's probably some dumb lizard” he said out loud as he jumped over fallen logs looking back at Jaeger who was not thrilled to be out in the forest in the dark without the herds protection. 


“This isn’t a good idea Magpie, we are really far we should turn back” he said looking around as he kept his head low walking quietly over the fallen logs they needed to pass.


“We are almost there just through here it's a really cool pond thing” Magpie said, finally getting to the crystal clear pond that had very colorful plants at the bottom and river stones, with Magpie giving off a smile and looking down at the pond “look isn’t cool look at all those stones, plus the herd can stop here for water” he said standing proudly along with watching Jaeger who seemed to not be able to relax “come on Jaeger relax we are fine” he said splashing water at Jaeger who shook it off letting out a snort.


“We are in danger, this is cool but we are to far, let’s go back” he said before stopping in his tracks as he became frozen with fear and stuttering “ tee..th tee..thh run..” he said before stepping backwards and falling over, with Magpie locking eyes on a green coloring atop its head and teeth peering through the thick foliage around them, it was a carnivore and it had caught up with them they were now in grave danger. Magpie backed up as he jumped in front of Jaeger as the gray and black cryo came out into the view letting out a hiss as he began to circle them, his blood was rushing through his body as a now threat stood between them and the safety of the herd but it looked like this time the two were alone.


“It seems like you two wandered a little too far from the herd, that makes it easy for me” Nightstalker hissed through his teeth the green neon colors of his crest flashing under the night sky. Magpie snorted and shook his head “leave us alone you meat eater” he said stomping his foot down before keeping a keen eye on Nightstalker following his every move, with a quick movement Nightstalker went in for an attack as he capitalized on Magpie not keeping a keen enough eye, but Magpie wasn’t that easy to fool as he matched Nightstalker pushing Jaeger away and telling him to run.


“Run Jaeger I will be okay, get to the herd!” Magpie said as he felt the painful bite from Nightstalker who wasn’t a full grown cryo but still was heavy in weight. The two struggled with Magpie trying to shake off Nightstalker as he snorted and kicked up with his front feet hoping to land a hit on the carnivore. The smell of blood filled the air as the two clashed with Magpie kicking with all his might to keep the cryo at bay but he was losing stamina and it wasn’t looking good. It was the first time he had ever come this close to a carnivore and his heart was racing, as Nightstalker let out hisses and laughs coming in for another bite but was met with a quick and swift kick from Magpies back legs.


He finally had landed a good hit on Nightstalker causing him to stagger from the blow and shake out his feathers. “Good hit “ he mumbled looking at Magpie who had a grin across his beak and was now charging at Nightstalker who was running away to avoid getting hit by the heavy blows from the front feet of Magpie as he snorted stomping forwards slamming them down making dirt and leaves fly. With one final snort and spin of a kick Magpie had chased off Nightstalker successfully, standing tall and proudly.


“And don’t ever come back, I am stronger than I look” Magpie said honking at Nightstalker, shaking himself off from all the adrenaline he had built up, “I should probably get back to the herd, these bites are starting to get to me” he said to himself as he mumbled following the footprints from where they had first come from away from the herd. Jaeger had already alerted his mother and the herd as they were panicking trying to find Magpie with the sound of rustling from the bushes , but seeing a badly wounded Magpie but he was alive as he stumbled through the foliage seeing his mother and Jaeger.


“Magpie! You did it , you chased it away” Jaeger said, rushing up to his friend and smiling , Magpie's mother rushing over to her son as she embraced him with her neck “You need to rest and don’t ever stray far from the herd again” she said sternly. Magpie let out a laugh and smiled before walking back with them to the herd who were concerned about the missing younglings. But he needed rest as his body was sore and aching from the many bites he had gotten from the nasty carnivore but all that mattered as he survived his first attack and it wouldn’t be the first time. The island was home to not only herbivores but a handful of meat eaters who hunted the herd on a daily basis; it was never safe for any creature. Magpie was considered lucky he had bested the young cryo as most didn’t survive encounters with them as they were ruthless hunters and gave no mercy most of the time.


Magpie laid in the soft foliage as his mother licked his wounds and scolded him for leaving the safety of the herd but he would carry these new fresh wounds that could heal into scars into his adult stages in life and it would show how strong he was. Looking over to see Jaeger Magpie smiled and laid his head on the ground “least you didn’t get hurt and that's what matters” he had protected his friend in battle and that was all worth while for Magpie, once being made fun of at one time into a great friendship, he would put his life on the line anytime for his friend or herd mates even if he had the fight off the scariest of predators. Closing his eyes Magpie began to rest as his body calmed down from the nasty run in with the Cryo who went by the name of Nightstalker, sometimes it was better to fight for your life vs running from them in fear.

[Trade] Stronger than You
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In Seasonal Prompts ・ By XxLil-MonsterxX

Age-up for : Magpie (2105)

Submitted By XxLil-MonsterxX for Stronger Than YouView Favorites
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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[[Trade] Stronger than You by XxLil-MonsterxX (Literature)](https://www.primevalarpg.com/gallery/view/272)
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