[Ageup] Rosemary & Thyme
something got into me today...so i decided to do both of Rosemary AND Thyme's age ups!
theyre all done now! some banded Dacens to come....
left, hatchling: Memorable Moment
Thyme, having just been hatched during the eclipse, finds shelter in a cave that happens to have Dr Sunflower who's on his travels inside. Thyme immediately attaches herself to Rosemary. Sunflower just hears a soft little pitter pat and opens his eyes to a fluffy little new addition. not pictured: the rest of the Sty herd (Velvet, Verglas, Selene Citron and Bessie)
middle, juvenile: Food on the Table
Rosemary and Thyme both helping each other get some hard to get food, some cherries! Velvet is Thyme's parental figure and is the one on baby sitting duties making sure they don't eat anything bad!
right, adolescent: Crossing Paths
upon reaching adulthood, Rosemary and Thyme decide to go on their own little adventure around the islands! this leads to them coming across Viper, who is big and bad and likes to mess with easily scared herbivores. it seems to work on Thyme but definitely not Rosemary...they are doing their default defense pose here (Thyme with her front legs on Rose's shoulder spike) as Thyme doesn't have anything to protect herself with other than her speed.... Viper is well known to them as he helped Ivor disband their family herd(which happened before they were adults)...so Rosemary atleast doesn't like him very much.
Submitted By pinnipedia
Submitted: 7 months ago ・
Last Updated: 7 months ago