Live, Laugh, Love

In Aging ・ By BendustKas
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Live, Laugh, Love
5 ・ 0
In Aging ・ By BendustKas

decided to post the set as a collection here and upload them as individuals to dA! a happy medium ground [no i will not apologise for the cheesy titles]

tried something a lil different with this set and modified how i painted the bgs since the method i've been using works better with interiors and not foliage-dense bgs like jungle and forested environments, pretty pleased with the end result. think the last one i could have done better on, but it's as good as i can get at the moment 🤔learned some things with this one though, regarding the modified process. think i'll be able to fix the process for the next go round

thanks everyone for donating their kids as guest features!

- Kinship
- Kinship
- Crossing Paths
The first face that Salmon saw when she hatched was one of her siblings - and then, when she oriented herself, a much larger cryo. Salmon was filled with childish delight, knowing at once that this must be her mother, who watched over the nest while they grew. Her father, she would meet later on, but her mother was never far away.
When Salmon was old enough, her father Trout would often take her out to show her and her siblings how to fish. Of course, this often meant that instead of paying attention, she, Trout's other young offspring, and the local hatchlings gathered for the very important fishing lesson would get distracted and end up playing and splashing in the stream instead. It wasn't often that she got to meet and play with her half-siblings, but she cherished these moments.
Old enough to find a space of her own, Salmon ventured away from what she knew - away from her family. She'd stay close, of course. She could always find her way back to home by following the streams up to familiar fishing spots, but she wanted to see what more there was. When the air started to turn cold, she knew that she'd need to find shelter - which was when she first encountered Fable. Another young cryo, on her own. Fable was cautious, at first, but ultimately relented and shared her winter den with Salmon. It was nice to have the company of a friendly face.

Submitted By BendustKasView Favorites
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago

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