[Trade] The Darkest Day

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The Darkest Day- (May 2024)- Deaglan

Writing by: Lil Monster

Da gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/xxinsanenightmarexx/gallery

Word count: 1,003+

Dino’s Included: Deaglan (2984)

The darkness overtook the island as the once bright skies , the movement of many figures who were taking cover as some confused but others in awe in awaiting the eclipse ever since they heard about it. With the uproar of others moving and taking cover a individual sucho who was taking a nap on the beach and wasn’t aware of the eclipse happening as he snoozed away listening to the waves as they hit up against the rocks that littered the sandy area.


Deaglan had taken a stroll to the beach to fill up on the various fish from the sea and had no clue about the approaching eclipse, moving around in the sand with his deep sleep on going. A sound of small scuttling moving through the sand came around as a red crab walked up to Deaglan curiously but had something on its mind for the lazy sucho and that was a harsh pinch. The crab reached in pinching onto Deaglan’s tail as it woke the brown sucho up who let out a yell of pain from the pinch before shaking the annoying crab off.


“You damn crustacean, Don’t pinch me!” he said, snapping at the small crab who quickly scurried away across the sand. Shaking off the pinch, Deaglan soon noticed the darkening of the area around him. Squinting he sat up shaking the sand from his scales and finally found his feet underneath him. It had gotten dark all of a sudden which had confused the young sucho, with seeing other sucho’s coming in from the water heading towards the treeline and moving away from the water.

“Everyone doesn’t want to stay on the beach i bet it's just clouds” he huffed to himself “their loss” Deaglan had overheard many of the other suchos talking about the eclipse but he never believed them as it never happened when it was told to happen always falling short. As he walked further into the sandy beach he felt the skies get darker which made him look up seeing that it wasn’t just clouds that were darkening it but it was getting a lot darker than he thought which sent chills down his scales.


It was true the stories and words that were spoken about the eclipse weren’t just fake stories as Deaglan watched the sky darken as he began to move to the treeline with the others as chatter amongst them could be heard from a little ways away. It had gotten dark just like a night now as a dark circle formed in the sky coming across the once bright sun that had heated his scales not even an hour before.

“ This better be good, my nap was rudely interrupted by not only the crab but now this” he huffed to himself as he took a seat on the ground looking around at the tree’s that covered him. It had now been fully dark as the solar eclipse came into full engulfing the once bright world they knew , with bright oranges and flares of red and yellow. The darkness had color to it and it was filled with beauty, as many of the other dinosaurs who were on the beach watched in awe and some were scared from the harsh moment. Deaglans jaws dropped open as he looked forwards and up as he watched it cross over.


It was almost like a flare the color fire would be when it sometimes showed on the island but it wasn’t fire it was in the sky, he couldn’t understand how it got dark but damn was it something the young adult sucho had never seen.


He began walking down the beach trying to get a better view as a smile came across his jaws, taking a seat back in the sand as he watched. As soon as it became dark it was now back to a blue sky like it had been before, with it being over in a matter of seconds. The once orange and fire red sky in the darkness was now gone and its normal self with the sun beating down on his scales once again, Deaglan had a confused face as he watched the others return to their normal day to day things.

“Aw it’s over already, I could have watched that for hours” he said letting out a sigh from his jaws, it was back to basking in the now normal sun. sitting down in the sand he stretched out before letting out a yawn. Taking a few looks back up into the sky, the stories were true. All the talk of the eclipse was real and not just a myth. Deaglan had heard about stories when he was much younger but he never had seen it himself until today and right in the heat of the moment he couldn’t believe how much change could happen in a matter of moments.


As the sound of waves and birds could be heard , Deaglan decided it was time to head off the beach as he couldn’t get back to his nap as all that was on the sucho’s mind was the solar eclipse he couldn’t fully process what he had seen just now a few moments ago. An idea popped into his head as he stood and shook out the sand once again from his scales, he wanted to find one of the elders who knew more about the eclipse as he wanted to find out more about them.


“Well let's go find an elder I want to learn more about the eclipse” as he stood up and walked off the beach into the treeline with only the divot of where he had napped before the eclipse and the footprints he left to get a closer look. As he walked the crabs that had hidden from the brief eclipse now had come back onto the sandy beaches and everything was back normal after the moment of darkness, some not being able to see or believe it could have happened.

[Trade] The Darkest Day
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In Literature ・ By XxLil-MonsterxX
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Submitted By XxLil-MonsterxX for The Darkest Day (May 2024)View Favorites
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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[[Trade] The Darkest Day by XxLil-MonsterxX (Literature)](https://www.primevalarpg.com/gallery/view/371)
BendustKas Avatar
BendustKas Staff Member

i love your description of the eclipse! fire in the sky seems pretty apt with the flares pokin out from behind the moon 😂🤝 poor guy had his nap interrupted though smh, the Nerve of that crab 😔but! he would've missed out if it hadn't pinched him, so maybe he should be thankful 😂

ty again for this!

2024-05-31 20:55:27

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