[Trade] Not a Drill (Summer 2024)

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Not a Drill- (June 2024)- Lyra

Writing by: Lil Monster

Da gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/xxinsanenightmarexx/gallery

Word count: 800+

Dino’s Included: Lyra (5019)

The sound of waves crashing against the rocky edge of the ocean’s tide pools echoed across the sandy beaches , with the hot rays from the sun beating down as it made the once cool water have a warm feeling due to the intense heat. Glimpses of figures who were visiting the beach could be seen making their way across the hot sand as the cooling water was refreshing but with heat came newcomers usually and not all were good.


Soft brown feathers picked up wind as a large therizinosaurus by the name of Lyra was making her way across the sand on the lookout for shells for her collection , her blue eyes taking everything in as she shook out her soft brown feathers letting out a sigh, “not a lot has been washed up today sadly” she mumbled to herself. Taking a look at the water as it went out and came back in from the current, making lyra shiver slightly as she took a few steps back from the water so it wouldn’t touch her feet. 


“Do I seriously have to be in the water.. Get those shells” she mumbled nervously as she eyed the shiny shells that sat in a low tide pool, it wasn’t too far but she had always been nervous around the ocean and water since a young chick. The cooling water wouldn’t hurt even if it was just her feet getting wet. Fluttering her feathers she let out a huff “You can do it Lyra, it's just water” she said to herself as she walked over placing the shells she had already collected. It was time to face her fears, but little did she know that the hot weather brought various newcomers and some of those newcomers had teeth.


Slowly walking towards the water Lyra watched the waves as she let out a deep breath, stepping into the water sending shivers up her spine. It didn’t matter what depth it was , it was water and it made her nervous as it was home to other animals which she didn’t like. Taking a much deeper step towards the tide pool she was now in the water as she leaned down to look for shells but only could see watery blurs, taking a deeper step as she stopped hearing a large splash behind her making her freeze.


“What was that..” she said, swinging her head around as she looked at the water trying to figure out where the splashes were coming from, something was with her in the water and she was now on edge. Lyra raised her claws close to herself as she stood still when a gray fin caught her eye swimming towards herself. Her feathers grew puffed out as she backed up slowly in the water. “ this was a bad idea, bad idea” she honked out loudly “what is that , its swimming closer “ she mumbled to herself. The shells didn’t matter anymore , she was now focused on the approaching hammerhead shark that was swimming towards her followed by many more with them coming to the tide pools due to the hot weather on the island.


The hammerheads were on the smaller side due to them being able to get into the tide pools, but they had come here due to the change in the water temperature. The hammer heads came into view more to Lyra, she now knew what these animals were and she froze in fear “shark.. Shark” closing her eyes shut tightly , the sharks were more curious of Lyra as they swam around her legs bumping them in curiosity. Lyra stood there not moving with her eyes shut so hard she began to tear up slightly as the sharks moved on slowly still checking out the tide pool.


“Maybe if I just sit here they will go away” she thought to herself as she slowly opened her eyes, it seemed the hammerhead sharks had no interest in her and were more occupied in exploring the tide pools. Lyra let out a soft breath as she walked back slowly not to disturb them, with each step she gulped. When she was in the clear, shaking out her feathers was the first thing she did.


“ of course you pick a day to go into the water when there are sharks!” she scolded herself, looking back at the hammerhead as she made her way out of the water now in the clear well at least to her. Coming back to her shell pile she had collected , this would be enough to satisfy her for now and it beat going back in there with the potential to get bit even with them being much smaller than the ones she had seen or heard about before.


As she picked up her shells and looked at them once more before waving and walking off dropping a shell or two on the way, they were better to look at from a distance vs swimming with them and she was fine with that.

[Trade] Not a Drill (Summer 2024)
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In Literature ・ By XxLil-MonsterxX
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Submitted By XxLil-MonsterxX for Not a Drill (Summer 2024)View Favorites
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago

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