The first meal

In Literature ・ By Dramazaur
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When they opened their eyes for the first time, they did not know who they were, nor where they were. Or what they are. Laying on grass, they didn't notice any egg shells laying around, they didn't saw any other dinosaur. There were no siblings running around or parents, keeping keen eye on their newborn. There was nothing, besides hunger. Little thing, parasaur, with scales white and eyes red, little albino baby. Confused but not scared. They laid on the grass watching their surroundings. Trying to think, to remember anything how did they came here, what happened. They didn’t remember anything, only pain in stomach and head. Did they fell sick? Maybe hit their head hard and amnesia took away their memories as an hostage. They didn’t know, they didn’t know anything. Trees towering above their tiny body, bushes decorated with tons of delicious looking berries. Even the grass they laid on was such a bright, green color. They felt wrong.

They had a little issue with standing up at first, weak noodle legs barely holding their body upright. They were so hungry. The sun was hurting their eyes. Stomach ached. They were starving. They looked around, but the only viable option were the berries in front of them, or grass under their feet. Getting closer, they sniff the plant before chomping on it, chewing on the juicy texture.

Out of sudden the stomach acid boiled up to their throat, eyes got glassy with tears of panic and pain. They vomited the berries instantly, body trembling as all of the acid got out of their system. It tasted gross, so gross. Maybe they don’t know if they tasted anything worse before but right now? It was the worst. Disgusting. Vile. They feel sick. So, so sick. Everything tastes sour, the smell of their own vomit makes them dizzy. Or maybe it's hunger. In the attempt to fill their even more disgusted stomach, they bite at the grass with quite desperation. The result was the same. Another convulsion gone through their tiny body, all the acid getting out of their already hurt throat. It smelled bad.

They were sick, it was weird. They couldn't look at those disgusting plants and not because of their blurred vision. It just wasn't right. It tasted badly. On weak legs they start to walk, searching for any food hidden in this forest. They didn't know where they are, walking through the trees blindly. On every damn bush the berries grew, taunting at this point. Making fun of their agony, or maybe was it just their head? Little parasaur started to feel like the nature itself was making fun of it, seemingly throwing more and more plants in front of their weak body. In another desperate attempt they started to run, there was madness in their eyes and spit going down their beak. All of their muscles hurt but they did not care. They needed food, no matter what kind just please, please oh great great nature, no more plants! No more pain! They ran out of the forest on something that looked like a road. And there they saw it.

On the side of it there was a carcass. It seems like some carnivore hunted down a deer and ate most of it, leaving the lifeless body behind. Little parasaur came closer, mouth open as they pants. The smell was so alluring, so aromatic. They did not care for the flies flying around the corpse, not for the blind eye looking right into an abyss. They didn't care. It felt right. They stood in front of it and pushed their little head right into the open ribcage of the animal. There were still some bits ready to be eaten and so: they ate. They feasted.

It felt right.
They ate the meat like a carnivore they… are? They think they are? Getting their head bloody, they move away as in awe of their own craving. Blurred sight lands on their own feet. There were no claws, but they did not care. Maybe they didn't even realize that fact? Maybe, just maybe, they simply were insane? And like in some breakdown, the little creature laughed and cried, collapsing on the ground with blood covering their mouth. They feel like they did something wrong but yet so, so right. The hunger didn't bothered them anymore, they did not care for sickness that this blasphemy gave them. It felt good, it felt right. And it was beautiful.

It took them a longer moment to calm down, laying on the other side of the road, looking right into the sky. Hard to say if the starvation took away their sanity, or maybe they were born with it. The sun was still hurting their eyes, making them squint. They decided to stand up and move their body to the shadows of the trees but then… they stop in their track. Then the day went dark, as if someone just turned the light out. In confusion they once again looked up in the sky, to see something truly beautiful. The bright sun went dark, sky around it got their light colors taken away. Red spilled across the heavens, devouring blues and any other hues, even tainting the sun itself. It really wasn't smart to look right into the sun but for this little parasaur? That was their sign. They felt as if the sun watched them, saw their sin and opened its eye to glance right at them. It hurted, of course it hurted, but it was so beautiful, they couldn't look away. Just them, deer corpse and the solar eclipse. A gift from the sun, maybe a way to say sorry for the pain it gives. The little parasaur forgives, closing their eyes with relief.

As sudden as the eclipse came, it soon was over and the sun, once again, wasn't covered by anything. The blues returned, clouds painted all over them. Sunny, pretty day with no chance for any rain. Little parasaur looked down, eyes wide open as it looked at their feet once again. Maybe the eclipse was a sign that what they did was right. Maybe the sun did not  judge them but approved of their hunger, of their sin? Or, just maybe, the little animal simply went mad? We all know the correct answer, don't we? They looked around as if to check once again if there’s anyone here, anyone to agree. But there wasn't even a soul left on this road. No one, who could stop this madness. The little parasaur truly was just a misbegotten, little unwanted child, adopted by the eclipse and the bloody craving they were filled with. From that moment on, the fate of this little herbivore was sealed. No, not herbivore, not even omnivore. A carnivore. A wannabe carnivore at least. To the end of their days they won't forget their first righteous meal, or the blessing sun gave them. It truly was a memorable moment, a moment that changed their lives for… worse? Better? For something, thats for sure. The red eye of the heaven, thats how they name it. Sounds right.
But with a stomach filled, little Misbegotten started to grow tired. Body still trying to get accustomed to the meat, trying to fight off the urges with sickness. But they didn't care. They stood up and walked into the shadows of the tree on the other side of the road. Laying down, they watched the corpse unmoving, admiring it. The smell was still delicious, even if for anyone else it would be vile. But there wasn't even the slightest care in this little dinosaur, they simply closed their eyes and sigh. They're gonna have to move on, find some water to drink and maybe, just maybe, try to hunt something for themself. That thought got them excited. They can't wait to hunt, they can't wait to meet anyone else and adore the taste together. The child's brain, even if tormented by truly insanity, started to wonder what their parents were. They bet it was a mighty carnivore, maybe they were the ones that left the corpse here? It must be! Even if they didn’t know what parent fully meant. The warmth the love, absent and not given to this unwanted offspring. They were alone. Little did they know there were no parents, unless you count scientists as such. But they don't have to know that, not now at least. Let the child sleep, dream about all the creatures they will hunt down and eat. Many more deers, young and old, small and large. They don't know yet any other animal but they will hunt them anyway! Or maybe they will find someone like them? Another righteous being, chosen by the red sun. Another bloodthirsty freak, vile beast, herbivore that chose madness over nature. Another one that is liike a carnivore! They fall asleep, happy and satiated. For anyone that hears this story, they would not believe in such beast like they are. They will say that its wrong, its not possible for an animal to change their nature so drastically! For everyone it was wrong but for them? It felt right.

The first meal
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In Literature ・ By DramazaurContent Warning: Mentions of vomit, animal corpse

First age up for my little carnivorous para. In this episode, little baby eats their first meat ignoring all the rules of nature and go kinda crazy from starvation and - probably - eating meat. Oop

Submitted By Dramazaur for Memorable Moment
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 3 weeks ago

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[The first meal by Dramazaur (Literature) ・ **Content Warning:** Mentions of vomit, animal corpse](
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