Jevin Urban Explorer
Jevin had never left the safety of the Labs before..But many of his fellow Dacentrurus had ventured before him and never returned..Which was so wild to him that they would disappear into the unknown just like that. But now, it was his turn, with some of his fellow herd members urging him to try out this strange bright light out of the gloomy, buzz-sounding enclosure he had grown to know for many months of his short life. It was on this day he decided to take the metaphorical plunge into this strange light from above. His steps were slow and cautious; still very unsure about the world above..But the murmurs of encouragement urged his feet forward, guiding the white Dacentrurus marked with light and dark markings running down his body. His eyes were blinded, his vision becoming nothing but a blurred static image..He blinked a few times while he got his bearings, his mind racing with anxiety and stress on what could be behind the wall of light that had suddenly appeared on a fateful day. The world came in blotches of color, new items of interest invading his interest like the crack of broken fluorescent over hanging light bursting with surging energies of electrical cords feeding it the connections into his mind. Different structures, buildings, rooms; he thought they were called..Tall green and brown plants rose to the ceiling above…Which was blue, with white fluffy things passing lazily by. Strange multi-colored stone looking caves were scattered everywhere, with different types of smaller items around the strange caves. Jevin’s mouth gaped in awe, just in shock of the new items around to look and investigate. The herbivore walks further into the urban area, a housing section for several Morpheus Lab scientists. Clothes lines, toys, and even furniture were scattered across the yards of these homes. The flap of clothes on a nearby clothes line entices the young Dacentrurus to check everything out. So strange to see something so thin and fragile, making a lot of racket due to the breeze shifting the clouds above and other not so tied down items. Paper fluttered like butterflies, not a care in the peaceful world could stop the crumpled up piece of paper. Jevin watched the ball of paper whisk away without a care, surprised something so small could be so fast. The clanking of chains from a nearby playground rang out, causing the herbivore to wander over and check out the strange…bush? Vines? Such a strange creation to be found, he thought. He passed by the so-called strange bush with vines (the playground), sniffing the strange metal smelling thing, his spikes gently hitting against the frames while he walked through it like it was no problem. The flapping clothes on the clothes line smelled of mildew and lavender flowers, aged from the weather that withered some of the different clothes, all sorts of shirts and pants showing the wear and tear from such. He nipped at what he thought was a leaf, but it was a leathery jacket; though he was quick to spit it out. Definitely not food, he noted to himself. He nipped at another piece of clothing, this time a jersey of some kind, bright with colors like the rainbow. Even that one didn't taste good. He made a mental note that these weird leaves still did not taste good at all!! Passing through the clothes line, he waddled himself along, some of the clothes ripping to shreds when his back spikes went through them, with the pieces flying into the wind and/or falling to the ground in his wake. Who was gonna need them anyway? They weren't edible clearly. This strange new world, full of new trinkets, continued to surprise Jeven even more, more things made of some kind of stone..and even some shiny reflective material that burnt his snout when he touched it. (It was a metal slide that caught his curiosity.) He started to slow himself down from the constant wandering in this stone/metal covered area, stepping onto black rock like material that was almost as hot as the weather itself. (it’s asphalt, cracked too from the aging and weathering it had endured, and without the humans, nothing could replace it.) Plants had begun to overgrow the strange path, pushing the obsidian colored surface to the side, to allow more various plants and their flowers to smile up at the bright sun above. They wavered in the breeze too, much like the mentioned items from the clothesline. Jevin took a cautionary sniff of the frail plants that seemed strong enough to move rock, taking a quick nip at a yellow headed flower. It was bitter, however not so bitter for him to try another bud of the same plant, chowing down on the very small plant before moving his attention to another. He consumed quite a few of these plants along the broken asphalt road, stopping to stare at some yellow lines against the pitch black of the strange material under foot. He closed one eye to get a better look at this yellow line, the color matching the flowers he had just eaten a second ago. He bent down and gave it a quick lick, soon after spitting out the awful aftertaste. “ Gross, super gross..” He muttered to himself, stepping back and off the asphalt road. He glanced around the housing area he had wandered through. He should try to make his way home before he gets too lost in this strange land. He slowly turned around, sniffing around for his own scent and footprints. Marvelously, some of the ground he had trodden across had left some impression of his own footprints. Though it wasn’t enough to find his way home. The general direction was easy to go, but he had been so distracted by all this urban development, he kind of confused him for the time being. Most of the housing units seemed similar to one another, all overgrown with plants and weathered to look like the small dull coloring would find in slabs of sheet rock. It made him a tad nervous, taking baby steps towards the way he came from. NIght was falling slowly, to his amazement. Or maybe he was just so accustomed to the slight darkness offered by the labs, he felt right at home in the dimming light. He looked up at the darkening sky, watching small specks of light (stars) appear. The little lights calmed Jevin a tad bit, almost like a little nightlight for him to enjoy along the way home. Or what he thinks is the best way home. He squinted his eyes towards the direction he was going, but with the dimming light turning to pitch blackness, it was hard to see where he was going. The wind seemed to make the world feel colder, and the buildings around him began to look like long shadows spurring in the dark. It made Jevin feel nervous about this urban area turned almost nightmare, with the shadows almost reaching out to grab him in the dark, clawing to get their pesky claws into him. He screeched and his walk turned to pumping his legs with adrenaline, running for the sake of his life. But the shredded clothes that were stuck to his spikes finally got his attention, causing him to feel heavier than it should feel. It was like the clothes were weighing him down, trying to drag him back into the darkness of the newly discovered area, trying to call him back to be stuck there forever. But he couldn’t let that happen, he had to get home! Home to everyone he knew, family, friends, even the grouchy enemies he came to knew. He shook his body as he continued to run, trying to relieve the weight on his back. But it didn’t seem to help and only frightened him even more, with threads of the clothes flying behind him. The cotton made fabrics seemed to come off easiest, but the denim fabric objects continued to stick to him like glue. He let out a scream, unsure if these things would get off of his back. The sound of water falling came in a rushed movement, the world around him drenching him with icy cold water on this fine night. This made the clothes stuck to him feel heavier, even further slowing Jevin down. He wanted to cry, he wanted to shout, but fear only kept his voice silenced, in fear that something bigger would try to drag him away in the gloom of the night. No matter how much he shook or ran, the heaviness continued to bother on the way home, until..he said the comforting lights outside the lab entrance. “ YES HOME, I FINALLY MADE IT!!”, he called out to himself, and hopefully only himself, but the rain dampened the loudness of his voice, which for sure wouldn’t bring any attention to any other dangers in the pitch darkness. He ran right through the entrance of the lab, shaking off some of the water coating his body. A trail of water followed behind him, but he didn’t care, he was home safe from the wild world outside. But to his dismay, the heaviness on his back was still there, drenched from the rain storm outside. He’d just have to deal with it for now. Maybe some other time he could get the weird stuff off. But tonight, he happily hobbled to his place with the other dacentrurus, down a flight of stairs and collapsing the moment he mingled with his herd mates, snuggling into their warm bodies as they congratulated him for coming back from the outside world above.
Jevin goes and explores the outside urban area near the lab. :O
1624 word count
Submitted By Timidbutler
for Urban Explorer
Submitted: 7 months ago ・
Last Updated: 7 months ago