[Trade] Crossing the wrong path
Crossing Paths - ( Duel Age-up for : Punk & Graverobber )- Agentshark 3/3
Writing by: Lil Monster
Da gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/xxinsanenightmarexx/gallery
Word count: 1,500+
Dino’s Included: Punk (4702) , Graverobber (4736) , Reaper (2811) , Riot (2810)
Sets of footsteps echoed as kicking rocks bounced off the cracked road, claws dragging on the hard ground followed by a flare of colorful feathers. It was a pair of familiar faces and they were now grown into their feathers. Punk and Graverobber had survived their harsh early stages and now were often seen patrolling the abandoned city getting into trouble and always exploring with one another, today was no different for the two as they walked down the crumbled road walking past many of the overgrown buildings that now were taken over by nature. It had been a nice day to explore and Graverobber wouldn’t stop bugging Punk until she got up and decided to go with her, although the city seemed to quite but she shrugged it off without any worry.
“Punk remember when we used to be hatchlings and roamed the streets the first time, everything was so scary and barren but look at the city now at least it has some plant life growing” Grave said as she trotted ahead sniffing the plants that grew through the cracked road. Punk agreed the place looked way different when they were hatchlings but it was a nice change of scenery, with her smiling slightly following behind her eager friend. The two were out searching for some food as per the usual during the day but nothing seemed to be out or left behind by others and with the two much bigger now it would make hunting a lot easier for them.
Punk stopped as she looked back behind her, taking in the silence , as usually she could hear the various flying dinosaurs screech in the distance but nothing today which seemed odd.
“We could try the underground old car garage to see if anything was left behind by big ol Desolator” Punk mumbled as she caught up to Graverobber who widened her eyes at the thought, the two had their run ins with Desolator often but usually always got away unharmed. Graverobber nodded and smiled “That sounds like fun give the old bind bastard a visit and steal is food, It’s always a good time” the two sub-adult cryos snickering with one another as they headed down a road that was a pathway straight into the underground garage, it was dark and musty but it provided good camouflage while they slinked around down there.
The area was cold and dark as water dripped down onto the ground making large puddles, the stench of rotting filled the air, making Punk and Graverobber wince at the smell as they went in deeper passing by many old skeletons of cars that once moved but now stood still. The silence was always a good sign when they were down here as the haunting clicking of Desolator was always a warning sign if he was in the area which it seemed like wasn’t and the smell hinted that a kill had been made recently and was down here.
“Looks like we get leftovers , my favorite” Graverobber said as she looked around following Punk, it was just finding the leftover food was in the hard part. It was dark and musty as the two walked around stepping in puddles the dim light shining on their feathers before flickering, but little did the two girls know that Desolator wasn’t the only thing lurking in the abandoned city and some other figures were on the scent of the rotting meat and they would be meeting sooner rather than later.
The sound of heavy footsteps clicked against the concrete of the rundown garage with a large spiked shadow being caught in the flickering light, red eyes on the lookout for movement followed by a much smaller cryo who spotted deep red feathers. Punk froze as she caught a glimpse of the figures pulling Graverobber down to duck behind a car, as they watched the dark figures move around.
“Get down Grave, someones here don't make any noise” she hissed her eyes narrowing as she watched the movement closely. The large figures towering over the smaller cars as the red eyes locked on in the area they were hiding but it stopped pausing before moving on from where they were standing. Silence filled the room as Punk and Graverobber slowed their breathing, keeping low and not moving.
“Stay quiet I think they are gone Grave” Punk said as she heard a loud smash of glass coming from behind them, along with the scratching of large claws across the metal. A rough voice seared through Punk’s ears as he spoke, followed by a snicker from another as the second figure stood in front of them.
“Well well look at what we got here Riot, some young cryo’s hunting in my domain how cute” the white faced Cryo said as he licked his jaws crunching down the hood of the car he was standing on , getting right into Punk’s face as he had a large grin across his jaws. Punk and Graverobber were surrounded by the much bigger male cryo’s with both of their feathers puffed up in fear as Graverobber stepped forwards hissing.
“Hey back up clown face, we were just leaving” Graverobber said as she snapped at Reaper who let out a chuckle before baring his jaws “ I’d watch your tongue , wouldn’t want your feathers to get plucked from your corpse would you now” he said sinisterly before looking over at Riot who had Punk cornered.
Punk and Graverobber had never seen other cryo’s around here besides Desolator so these two were new and they weren’t keen on sticking around to find out Reapers and Riot’s intentions , as the vibe that was being given off from them wasn’t anything good it seemed. Punk stayed quiet as she made herself small, backing away from Reaper’s gaze.
“How about i’ll let you two get a head start before I rip your throat out to give you a chance” Reaper said as he smiled looking at Riot “Doesn’t that sound fair Riot, give them a chance to scurry away”
Riot let out a cackle as he flared his blood red feathers up “we play fair now Reaper?, I think we should just kill them now” He said, stepping forwards towards them.
As they chatted Punk moved backwards staying quiet as she montioned to Graverobber that they should leave before things got worse for them. Which they agreed to do as the two talked to one another, it was time to go as Punk took off with Graverobber not too far behind.
“Reaper, they are getting away! Lets go” Riot hissed as he took after the younger cryo’s with Reaper not far behind him. The chase was on as they growled and roared, this was a life or death situation for the two girls and out running them would be a challenge but they needed to try.
Punk and Grave pushed their hardest as they jumped over things that were in the way the sound of Reapers heavy footsteps lingering behind them, they had gotten lost from the way they had come in and all Punk could see in front of them was a dark forest where the road cut off her feathers shuttering as the thought of the unknown now popped into her head.
The two had never been into the island's forests; they had always grown up in the abandoned city all they had known, but being chased was their only option to escape
“The forest Grave go into the forest, we will lose them there, keep running and dont stop” Punk hissed at the top of her lungs looking back to see Reaper and Riot catching up to them.
Graverobber nodded as she jumped over the large bushes scratching herself with pointy branches and spitting out leaves that got in the way, Punk taking on final look as she jumped in following Graverobber in and not looking back.
Reaper and Riot skidded to a stop as he let out an annoyed hiss through his jaws, they had gotten away and he didn’t dare step foot into the forest he had too many enemies. With one final look he snapped at Riot before the two walked away leaving the chase behind, still hungry.
Catching their breaths now in a new world not one like their old streets, Punk and Graverobber were in a whole new world now but crossing paths with Reaper and Riot may have opened a new eye for the two young adult cryo’s.
“Well that was close but where are we now, this is the forest we have never been past the tree line Punk” Graverobber said shaking out her feathers as she looked around taking it all in, Punk let out a sigh “I am afraid we can’t go back Grave so lets venture forwards it’s all we can do” picking herself up she narrowed her eyes as she walked forwards, besides the two were together they could face anything that was thrown their way, That's what growing up did to you.
Submitted By XxLil-MonsterxX
for Crossing Paths
Submitted: 6 months ago ・
Last Updated: 6 months ago