[Trade] A unusual Crossing of paths
Crossing Paths - ( Duel Age-up for : Merlin & Fracture )- Agentshark 1/3
Writing by: Lil Monster
Da gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/xxinsanenightmarexx/gallery
Word count: 1,500+
Dino’s Included: Merlin (4874) , Fracture (4778) , Pigeon (4502) , Shrimp (4742)
The sound of birds chirping on a quiet morning as the island was just waking every dinosaur just seeing the sun rise as rain fall lightly dampened the forest around, soft footsteps making their way through the dirt followed by white and black plumage. Blue eyes scanned the world around her as she sniffed the air before letting out a soft sigh. “Well finding food is going to be a challenge today, I hope Shrimp is okay watching Facture for a bit” Pigeon mumbled to herself quietly as she jumped over various fallen branches and trees. The last few days had been rough for the utah couple as now having hatchlings was a new challenge for them, as they needed to eat unlike Pigeon and Shrimp who could go days without eating, and the storm didn’t help.
While Pigeon was out looking for some prey, Shrimp and Facture stayed back at the den with the curious hatchling running around as she crawled all over Shrimp who was just trying to rest. Facture had just hatched a couple days ago and was full of life giving the two new parents a run, as Shrimp slept the curious hatchling played around.
“When will mom be back, I feel like she's been gone forever already” Facture said as she stood at the entrance of the cave looking out into the forest, her black feathers puffing up at the cool wind drafting into the den. A much larger pale utah sat at the back of the den snoozing away but half awake as she opened her eyes “She just left Facture, she will be back she is always quick to come home and you will learn in time” Shrimp said speaking softly as she stood up and picking up Facture before laying down again as she shoved her under her feathers for warmth.
Back in the forest Pigeon was tracking small footprints that were leading to a well known river that she had traveled many times before, finding food was getting harder and harder but she had to keep pushing herself not only for her and Shrimps wellbeing but now a small hatchling that depended on her coming back empty handed was not a option. Coming to a clearing the female Utah approached the river fixing for a drink as she leaned down taking in some fresh river water, the world around her silent as she gazed at her reflection before hearing some small fast moving footsteps rushing towards her.
“Egg thieves, and it looks like they have something” Pigeon said under her breath as her eyes perked up at a large round egg they had, she remembered fending off many of these thieves when she was nesting and she couldn’t let them take the egg. Leaping forwards she sprung into action hissing as she jumped behind the egg thieves letting out a loud hiss showing her large teeth, causing the egg thieves to drop the egg. “Get Lost you no good for nothing rats” she growled watching them run away from where she was , with soft eyes she quickly turned to the egg laying in the grass unharmed.
“Where and who do you belong to, too little one” She spoke softly placing her claws underneath the egg as she picked it up gently, her heart filling with a warm motherly instinct. Most eggs were at the mercy of others on this island with most not ever making it to hatch but Pigeon wasn’t going to let this happen to the unknown egg, looking around seeing no parents or nest insight. With no prey insight and now her claws full she figured it would be best to go back to the den, empty handed on food but this egg needed her.
Back in the den Facture was running around as she chased Shrimp’s tail feathers , tripping over her large claws as she was still getting used to them being so small. With a giggle she barked playfully at Shrimp who was watching the entrance for Pigeon's return, her eyes perking up as she saw a familiar face heading towards them.
“Pigeon you’re back! And what is that thing… an egg?” Shrimp said looking down at the large round egg that sat in Pigeons claws. “Where did you find that?” She added seeing Facture rush over all excited as she looked at the egg.
“An egg! Can we keep it” she barked cheerfully as she rubbed her little head against it fascinated with the round object. The little raptor was the only one who had hatched from the last batch of eggs so she was by herself and a new friend wouldn’t hurt her least so she thought.
Pigeon chuckled quietly “We have to let the egg rest, it may not hatch Facture” She said looking down at it and back at Shrimp who was unsure about taking in a random egg. Pigeon walked over to the nest they had made where Facture was hatched from and placed the egg down covering it slightly in hopes it would hatch.
Fracture was quick to follow as she watched the egg not move but that didn’t matter; she just wanted it to hatch, her little wings flapping in excitement as she sat as close to it as she could. Pigeon and Shrimp watching but realizing they needed to go hunt and leaving Facture was the only option, calling over to Facture.
“ We will be back, stay quiet, and don’t move that egg” Pigeon said as she was ushered out by Shrimp who was hungry and knew the importance of hunting, with one final look the parents took off leaving the small hatchling and egg alone. With her parents gone Facture stood up as she circled the egg that hadn’t moved since her mother brought it back, with a puzzled look she jumped on top of it looking around.
“Hello, is there anyone in there, come out I want to play!” Facture barked as she flapped her small black wings, ruffling out her feathers before sitting down. All of a sudden the egg moved slightly before a crack ran down the side of it causing the small utahraptor to jump and hide behind a rock that was in their den as the large egg began to shake and chip.
Blue eyes peered from outside cracks as it began to chirp, Facture now on high alert as she walked towards the egg. “Hello… is anyone there?” Facture said before being meant with a fuzzy long and lengthy hatchling that was much bigger than her and it didn’t look like a utahraptor.
“Whoa you're funky looking, I wonder what my moms are going to say” She said excitedly as she hopped around flapping her wings. It was fluffy and black and white feathers covered its body, with wobbly legs it stood up before walking over to Facture and nuzzling her before chirping happily the two began to chase one another playfully with Facture barking playfully.
Pigeon and Shrimp had returned with a small kill as they heard Facture making noise in the den with both rushing over, Shrimp dropping the kill with her eyes wide as they laid on the new hatchling.
“That is a cryolophosaurus hatchling Pigeon where did you find that egg” She said quietly to her partner who was overwhelmed with happiness that the egg had hatched “We need to take it back to where you found it..” She said looking out of the den making sure nothing followed them home. Facture notching her parents had returned as she ran over with Merlin not far behind her.
“Momma momma look it hatched! And I gave it a name!” Facture said as she rushed over to Pigeon and Shrimp with Merlin stopping behind Facture. Both female utahraptors puzzled over what had happened while they were gone, Pigeon ignoring Shrimp.
“Oh look how precious you are! What name did you give her Facture” Pigeon said, nuzzling Merlin as she chirped imprinting on her new parents. Facture smiling with her jaws wide “Merlin! Is her name and I love her!” Facture chirped as she stood beside her new hatch mate not understanding that it was an entirely different species to what she was.
“I think that suits her very well Facture, welcome to the family Merlin” Pigeon said pulling the hatchling in close as she nuzzled her looking back up at Shrimp “Well you heard your daughter the cryo is staying” She said proudly, watching Shrimp let out a sigh and nod.
Shrimp let out a sigh “Fine but we are teaching it our way then she can stay” With short words she laid down watching Factures face light up which made her smile.
Fracture smiled and jumped around happily nuzzling Merlin playfully “You hear that Merlin you get to stay with us” the young utahraptor said as she ruffled her feathers nudging her to come play with her as they ran off into the den chasing one another.
Pigeon smiled and watched her new hatchling and Facture play around before sitting down with Shrimp, with a smile. “We can teach her to be a Utahraptor, it can’t be too hard”. Shrimp sighing and nodding “It won’t be easy you know how big they get, and how dangerous they are Pigeon” She mumbled but for now Merlin was small and Fracture was happy and that's all that mattered.
Submitted By XxLil-MonsterxX
for Crossing Paths
Submitted: 7 months ago ・
Last Updated: 7 months ago