[Trade] Crossing Paths (Age-ups)

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Crossing Paths- ( 3x Age-up for : Lapis & Prometheus & Romulus )- ABeardedDragon & Lil Monster

Writing by: Lil Monster

Da gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/xxinsanenightmarexx/gallery

Word count: 1,000+

Dino’s Included: Prometheus (2005) , Romulus (2006) , Lapis (4435) , Geiger (4115)


The sound of thundering stomps echoed across the island, as a large herd of shunosaurs had come to nest in the cracked desert areas with thousands of nests covering the ground filled with foliage and eggs. The herds came here to nest as it provided a vast area and was close to the forest for when the young hatched providing protection from the many predators that stalked in wait as they could sense the fresh hatchlings that were to come. A large female shunosaurs approached a nest carrying large foliage leafs in her mouth before placing it on her nest, checking the area around her before she made her way to the mound that held large eggs.


“Hello little ones, I wonder how long it’ll be till you hatch” the large female spoke softly to her clutch. Many generations of shunos have nested here and it was no different this time but the herd wasn’t aware of a lurking danger that sat just in the tree line watching the herds every move, but for now all was peaceful as the eager adults awaited for the clutches to hatch at any moment.


Small movement from one of the eggs peeked the mothers interest as she watched it move around with small cracks coming from the egg followed by small chirps, it was hatching and one of the first ones to hatch from her clutch. Blue scales and blue eyes looked up at her as she leaned down seeing a tiny hatchling that had bright blue scales unlike any other hatchling she had ever had, and she loved her with everything she had as she welcomed the wobbly hatchling into the world.

“Oh my well look at you aren’t you just beautiful and those colors” the large female said softly as she nudged the small hatchling out of the nest watching her find her balance. The small hatchling looked up at her mother as she nuzzled her back with a small smile, her mother watching as a much larger female was making her way to her nest with to small hatchlings as well one that was a pure white and one with much darker scales whose mother was trying to keep up with it.


“Oh look at your lovely little hatchling, what's her name?” The two other females said as they approached Lapis who was walking towards the other two hatchlings who went by Prometheus and Romulus they had hatched earlier in the day and had been exploring but were now curious about the brand new hatchling that spotted the blue scales.

“Her name is Lapis, go say hi” She said nudging Lapis towards the two hatchlings , with the much larger white bull hatchling introducing himself first to lapis, “Hi my name is Prometheus and this is Romulus!” He said, shoving his way past the much smaller female. They had hatched earlier in the day and had been exploring a lot more than Lapis who had just hatched, and the noise of fresh hatchlings filled the air along with happy bellows from the entire herd with the welcoming of the new additions.


The three hit it off great as they played around with Prometheus chasing around Romulus and Lapis as the adults watched from above keeping a watchful eye on them. They were new the the world around them so everything they were curious about as all the other hatchlings and herd mates explored the world the once quiet nesting site full of life now, but little did the herd know that the danger was watching their every move and her pit of a stomach only got worse the longer she stalked.


“Well come young ones , we must make it to the forest the nesting grounds are of no use to us anymore” One of the much larger female shunos said as she nudged the three forwards as they giggled and walked together with Lapis in the middle of Prometheus and Romulus , the group each spotting a unique color of scales. With the herd now moving the large predator stalked and lied in wait as the fresh shuno hatchlings would be a great and easy meal or even a large adult could do if it got in the way of her carnage.


As the herd moved the three new hatchlings followed behind leaving their nests and empty egg shells to the scavengers, the forest was vast and green and not too far from the nesting grounds but it did pose some difficulty for Prometheus, Lapis and Romulus. As they began to lag behind slightly with their mothers stopping for the three to catch up but it seemed the herd was moving too fast for them as Lapis called out for her mother who was ahead trying to get them to keep up.

“Come you three you don’t want to get left behind, the herd cannot wait” She said making her way back to the three who were trying their best but wanting to rest from the space they had to keep. As she reached them the sound of movement made her shoot her head and neck up as the sight of a large Acrocanthrosaurs stood between her and the herd who were now in the forest by now leaving her and the three behind which she was now in danger as the acro was a well known predator that preyed on her herd.


“You three get behind me now and do as I say” Lapis’s mother said coldly as she turned her side and her tail in a defensive position over the three, who had no sense of the danger they were in. loud growls escaped the jaws of the one eyed acro known as Gieger as she let out a hiss approaching the shuno and the three babies she was guarding now.


Prometheus and Romulus sticking close as Lapis was almost kicked by her mother as she moved around them with Gieger getting closer and closer giving off snaps and roars, the hatchlings were on their first test of how harsh life could be and it wasn’t going to be a pretty outcome. With a quick dash the large acro flung herself at the female shuno trying to get around her to the three who were now trying not to get crushed in the defense from the female , with them sticking to her side away from Geiger who was snapping her jaws and looking for a way in. 


Prometheus and Romulus’s mothers looking for their now missing hatchling and herdmate as the herd kept a move on not aware of the attack that was going on behind them, it was survival of the fittest and the three small shuno hatchlings would be learning valuable message about how safety in numbers was of top priority and if you got left behind there was much bigger things in this harsh world that would find you.


As the female shuno kept her defense up she stepped back almost stepping on Lapis who was quick to move along with the other two but she wasn’t quick enough to react and felt the sharp pain of Geiger’s jaws around her lower neck and the loss of her footing out from under her. The large acro had gotten the best of the large female shuno , and the sound of her weight hitting the ground echoed as the mother had bought enough time for the hatchlings to reach the herd.


“Lapis run and take them with you, go now!” the female bellowed out as she did her best to keep Geiger busy so her hatchling and the other two could survive, with the final breathes the three made their break for it into the forest ahead catching up with the herd as Lapis stopped looking back at her mother who wouldn’t be coming with them and the fear that the one eyed Geiger dug into her little soul.

“Come on Lapis we need to go, the herd is safety” Romulus said as she nudged the much smaller female forwards with Prometheus in the lead as the sound of the herd was close, the three now a small herd themselves brought together by fate and the crossing of paths.

[Trade] Crossing Paths (Age-ups)
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In Literature ・ By XxLil-MonsterxX

First age-up for my two Shuno's and AbeardedDragon's Lapis!

Submitted By XxLil-MonsterxX for Crossing Paths
Submitted: 1 week agoLast Updated: 1 week ago

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