Mushie Munchies
Idk where the name came from, just sounded fun lol. Finally did some rolls for myself..! ^v^
Context: Teddy Wynn, Azalea Cosette, and Ewe dig up some mushrooms in the woods for a tasty snack. Thankfully Teddy and Azalea are very familiar with mushrooms after growing up in the greenhouse of the Alpha Labs, so they know what ones are good to eat and what ones aren't.
Participating Users: Me :D
EXP Breakdown: Fullbody; colored (3), shaded (3), background (5) Bonuses; quest (1), fullbody personal dino x3 (3) = total (15) (per dino)
Submitted By Wildspirit-studios
for Digging Deep
Submitted: 4 months ago ・
Last Updated: 4 months ago