c'mon grab your friends!
c'mon grab your friends!
we'll go to very
distant lands 🎶
haven't done a collab like this before 😂 absolutely Love how it turned out though, seein everyone's styles next to each other is so cool and makes me incredibly happy to see tbh
and all the featured dinos have lore together 'v'
fable taking her kids into the nearby coastal caves, having to pause and get their attention again because charter's teasing his sister
brothers doruk and keket exploring a ruined building in the city, with none but their own companionship [just as it should be - for now]
duck is osa's father figure, and knows the dangers of the swamp [and what the morning mists might hide] very well - osa...not so much. but she's definitely figuring it out!
matriarch and juniper are of the same flock, going out on a scouting expedition just as they often do - just for the oviraptor this time, rather than to retrieve materials for their own uses. if they happen to find some extra bits and bobs along the way, though...more's the better
thanks everyone for collabing for this event!
Submitted By BendustKas
Submitted: 5 months ago ・
Last Updated: 5 months ago
Prompt Submissions
#12384 for Treasure Hunt!: Coastal Caves by BendustKas
#12385 for Treasure Hunt!: Abandoned Buildings by BendustKas
#12386 for Treasure Hunt!: Dangerous Wetlands by BendustKas
#12387 for Treasure Hunt!: Rocky Cliffs by BendustKas
#12388 for New Exp Check-In by BendustKas
#12390 for Treasure Hunt!: Abandoned Buildings by Haunted-dark-Umbreon
#12395 for Treasure Hunt!: Dangerous Wetlands by SnootSnooter
#12396 for Treasure Hunt!: Coastal Caves by RadicalRyuu