Event | Dangerous Wetlands | Migration Part3

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Brick | Zhetan

Words: 407

They had left the coast to get away from weather conditions, yet it somehow felt like each biome they found themselves in after leaving the shore was worse than the last. They had gone from semi warm days on a beach and the sun sparkling on the surface of the sea, to now being in a cold, stinky marshland with humid wetness that seeped in in every crevice, weighing down even his thick coat of feathers that otherwise would have protected him from the worst of the cold. Somehow not even this dreary place got Camille’s high spirits down though, as he watched her hop from one slowly sinking tuft of grass to another, shrieking with delight if she managed to get away from her current one just as water started to claim the ground, without getting wet herself. It made his own sour mood lighten a bit, if still not completely ridding him of it. 

Careful kid” he called when she almost stumbled over a half submerged log. Earning him a nonchalant mhm!! as a reply, while she clambered over the wet wood to look closer at something she found on the other side. 

 The wet ground he had hoped was at least solid, gave away under his foot and wet mud slapped itself to his leg and clung on. Stifling some choice words he took a deep breath. At least he wasn’t feathered on his legs, unlike Kassadin. Brick felt bad for his partner who seemed to have mud caked in between the feathers down to the skin.
Found anything?” he gruffed, his indignation evident in his voice. If they could just find a few things and be out of here he’d be delighted. He hoped he would never see another swamp in his life after this, let’s just face it, marshlands were not his ideal habitat. He looked over toward their other two partners, also trying to avoid sinking too far in the murky waters.

 With a wet shlurp he dislodged his foot and tried another promising piece of, thankfully, more stable land, to try to make way closer to Camille, who had moved on from the log to something further away, answering one of the partners calling for her to not go too far.
Don’t worry, I’m on it” chuckling, his sour mood temporarily gone, as he saw her tail up in the air, investigating something on the ground in front of her.


Kassadin & Camille | AberrantKapro

Words: 409

Camille was beyond delighted that they had left the dangerous cliffs, as she was now finally allowed to run around on her own bare feet again. She rushed through the soggy marsh without a care in the world, mud and water flying all around her and covering her pale feathered coat. Brick told her to be careful, but she was, of course! At least in her own eyes. She found one interesting item after another, she knew the shopkeeper would love some of these fine roots and flowers she found, so she made sure to grab them as she went along and hopped from one soggy piece of land to another.

She had found at least three pristine bitterroots at this point, and she happily carried them along in her mouth, along with some hemlock. She knew the shopkeeper would be happy with her, and her fathers would all be proud she did such a good job for sure. She almost stumbled on a log but managed to regain her balance quickly.

“Don’t run too far” she heard one of her fathers yell, but who it was she didn’t quite register as she was preoccupied. 

Kassadin hid his misery behind a forced smile, his beautiful, feathered coat was caked with mud by now. He wasn’t as carefree and excited as Camille was, though he wished that he had half her energy and excitement going through this wet mess.

He also managed to find quite a few interesting items that might entice the shopkeeper, but looking over at Camille, he acknowledged that her finds were much better, seeing as she had found stuff the shopkeeper usually had in stock. Kassadin himself was mostly guessing at this point, what he would like them to come back with.

The purple styra kept an eye on their pale, tabby daughter as she jumped further and further away, but so far so good in his eyes. She wasn’t far enough away for him to worry just yet, he knew she’d come back if necessary or if they called for her, even if she might not want to. 

Kassadin looked between all his loving partners with a smile, he was happy they could all spend some time together like this, even if it was cold, wet and awful right now. Just having them all around made him feel warm and happy on the inside, and that was enough to push him through this awful experience.

Character | Dillyweed

words: 608


Cant was quite happy when they left the cliffs. Finally some less windy areas with hopefully warmer winds. He was sorely mistaken in those assumptions. He was walking in the middle of the group. The weather didn’t give up. It kept on getting worse as they moved from biomes to biomes and there wasn't much they could do. Still harsh weather was slightly better than the cliffs. Cant at least could keep up now in the wetlands as long as he kept to the solid ground and didn’t try to wade through any of the softer parts of the wetlands. He watched as Camille jumped around. Ran ahead, then ran back. To be young and full of energy. Cant wasn’t that anymore. He wasn’t that much older than the rest of them but he was the oldest one of them and he felt it in his legs most of the time. They felt heavy and he was slower.

Fell walked at the back of the pack still. He was keeping his eyes around the wetlands. He had gotten quite into the treasure hunt now. He could feel the excitement whenever he thought he found something and the disappointment whenever it didn’t lead to anything. It was all a game. Camille was in on it as much as he was. Maybe even a bit more. She had the ability to jump around and speed about. Fell didn’t have that but he had stamina at least. He could keep going for a long while. Camille didn’t have that same stamina, at least not when she used it all up for speed and jumping. He was very curious on what exactly the shopkeeper wanted from them and he could tell that it was on the other's mind from time to time as well. It had to be something amazing. He could almost see it before him. Some enormous, shiny thing that was embedded with glittering stones. They would all have to carry it at the same time, at least by how he pictured it in his head. It was enormous and heavy.

Or maybe it was something small instead. Something worth more than its own weight. Something that still shone and glittered, but in a slightly different way. Maybe it didn’t actually glitter. Maybe it was more of a symbolic treasure. Something that meant alot to the shopkeeper but he lost. Or something that reminds him of his family or past. Fells brain couldn’t stop coming up with more and more stuff that they could be out looking for. It didn’t help, not really. It skewed his way of seeing everything as they walked the wetlands. If anything could be a treasure, how could they know they hadn’t missed it yet. Could they have walked past the treasure as it was laying under a fallen tree. Maybe one of the creatures around these parts had swallowed it whole and traveled away with it. So far away that there was no way to find it.

Fell squinted his eyes. In the end he doubted that there was any amazing treasure in these wetlands. Everything was so cold and wet. He looked at all his partners. They all looked wet and cold, at least to some degree, and he felt more sorry for them than he did for himself. He wished he could solve it for them. Warm them up. Turn off the humidity. He would not vote for this biome for them to move to at least. Maybe the next biome would be better. Warmer. Maybe it was a place they could all warm up in and take a well earned rest.

Word Total: 1424

Event | Dangerous Wetlands | Migration Part3
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In Event Artwork ・ By Zhetan, AberrantKapro, Dillyweed

The Dads are now in the Swamp, at least Shrek didn't yell at them

Submitted By Zhetan for Treasure Hunt!: Dangerous Wetlands
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

Zhetan: Co-Writer
AberrantKapro: Co-Writer
Dillyweed: Co-Writer
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