Something Different ( Halloween Event 2024)
Costume Contest- ( Halloween Event 2024 )
Writing by: Lil Monster
Da gallery:
Word count: 500+
Dino’s Included: Prometheus (2005)
The sound of quick heavy footsteps could be heard as pale white scales gleamed in the darkness almost looking ghostly which was suiting for the time of season on the island, as everyone was dressing up to enjoy the spooky festive cheer and one of them was Prometheus a large shuno where some could say he already looked the part but he always dressed up to enjoy the spirit of halloween and he was in a rush to get his costume ready as it was a slightly complicated one this year for him, he was dressing up as a neomorph which was some type of alien he found interesting and it helped having white scales so he didn’t have to paint himself only his props he had made.
“Where is my tail, I swear I put it over here” He said leaning down as he threw away foliage that covered it from him eating earlier. “Ah there it is, I almost forgot about it” before he reached down to find some twine to tie it around his tail so it would stay up right.
He had earlier covered his darker scales in white clay mud to mask his black scales in order to really be fully white which was doing the job well. After adding the twine he tied extra pieces he had made onto his head that made it longer off the top to really fit the shape of what he was trying to achieve. Prometheus’s costume was coming together. He just needed a few more extra add-ons, which were some extra teeth he had made and placed them into his mouth before giving off a toothy grin.
“I Look so scary, everything's coming together i’m starting to look like a real neomorph this was such a good idea” He said walking around and looking at the tail as it followed behind him. On the ground were some large tubs draped with white fabric that was rolled around them with holes in the top that he also added twine to so that it would sit around his stomach area and not fall off just behind his neck on his back.
His work was complete, he was in costume fully now and it was the best thing ever. He was super excited waving his tail around making his costume wave which made Prometheus smile before pretending to let out a hiss before crouching playfully.
“I’m a Neomoprh fear me!” the shuno said stomping around happily as he pushed up the head piece as it was a little big for his head but he didn’t mind, Prometheus was ready for halloween as he let out a few laughs before cleaning up his mess on the ground.
Prometheus was excited for all the festivities and halloween as it was his favorite and now that his Neomorph costume was all completed he could go out and show others and that is what time it was for the shuno all Halloweened up! For some spooky times.
Submitted By XxLil-MonsterxX
for Costume Contest!
Submitted: 4 months ago ・
Last Updated: 4 months ago