The Babadook! ( Halloween Event 2024)
Costume Contest- ( Halloween Event 2024 )
Writing by: Lil Monster
Da gallery:
Word count: 500+
Dino’s Included: Babadook (5441)
The sound of wing flaps in the night, followed by various small shadows in the air and small squeaks echoing across the night sky, bats had been out and it was the season of Halloween across the islands with every dino putting on costumes they had made with different ghouls and creatures and the spirit of spooks all about.
“Where did I put the hat I had made” The sound of a voice came from Babadook, a young styracosaurus who was getting the rest of her costume ready and she was going as the Babadook in where she had got her name from. She had worked super hard on making a hat with things she could find around on the island, and a tarp that she used as the jacket which she had roughed up to give it the spooky look she wanted.
Trotting over she picked up the tarp before throwing it over her back and tying it with twine in the front on her chest so it wouldn’t fall off as she enjoyed the spooky events she would partake in.
“Now I just need to find that hat, I got the tarp on and it looks great” Babadook said as she mumbled to herself as she spun around to take a look at it which she was happy with how it had turned out, but her favorite part about her costume she had worked so hard on was the hat as it sold the entire get up.
As she trotted around looking for it she had finally spotted it “There you are! Can’t forget this or my costume wouldn’t be complete” She said before smiling and picking it up with her beak and placing it upside down and getting it onto her head before striking a pose and giving off a giggle. Babadook was happy that her entire costume was now all put together before shaking out her feathers to make herself look bigger and give off the shadowy figure like she wanted to.
“Now time to dirty it up, to the mud pit!” she said excitedly as she trotted into a open spot that had a mud pit so she could get the tarp dirtred “This should do now just to roll around” She said before plopping down into the mud pit and rolling around so the mud would dirty the black tarp and fabric that her hat was made out of.
After rolling around for a bit and flinging mud onto herself she got up before shaking herself out so that the mud would fall off slightly so only dirt was left making her costume a tad dirty, her entire costume now was fully complete and Babadook smiled before crouching around as she let out growls trying to get into character before letting out a laugh and overhearing others walking around, it was time for her to go show off her costume to everyone else and enjoy the spooky season dressed as the Babadook.
“Babaadook dook dook” She said before taking off into the night ready for the scares that were to come
Submitted By XxLil-MonsterxX
for Costume Contest!
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago