1108: Cactus

Owned by Etherical-ARPG
Prickly & Proud

[ Irritable | Defensive | Cocky | Secret Softie | Selfish ]

He is unusual in that he does not stick to a large herd like most herbivores instead only roaming isle kela with his mate. The only other of his kind who seems to hold true endearment for the prickly Pachycephalosaurus. Irritable, highly territorial, cocky and selfish. He often gets into fights with other dinosaurs, whether that be over food or territory depends on his mood, often even picking fights he's unlikely to win. But alas he loves Juniper with all his heart- even if he will not admit it- the prickly herbivore giving his mate only the best of everything. It appears he may even move the world for her if he could.


Born on Isla Kela, Fasach was born into a clutch of all males, quickly growing up to strike out on his own and meet his mate. The two adventuring together until the finally struck out to move nesting grounds to the land if Isla Pera when the sea-tunnel to the island was first discovered. But make no mistake, his thick feathers hide his scars, and he has been in more than his fair share of scrapes, especially after a run in with a human invention- a Propane Cannon- used to scare birds off of farmers crops that was somehow still running. As well as a few run-ins with a small pack of utahraptors when he was living by himselfon Isla Kela originally.


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