1167: Tulremia

Owned by Etherical-ARPG
Queen of the Bog

[ Survivalist | Fierce | Sly | Cold | Tactician | Proud ]

A cryptid if anything among the dinosaurs of isla Kela and Pera. She is often found lurking deep in the swamps of the isles, her hide allowing her to blend in well with the boggy ground and waters. She hold's a survivalist mindset, and its not often her children- if she ever deems a male worthy of having them with- survive her cold method of childrearing and teaching. Fierce and Sly, it is not well advised to approach her, and she is often haughty and proud in the face of those she considers her lessers.


Born to parents unknown in the boggy marshlands of Isla Kela. She was said to have eaten her clutch-mates to survive her own rough childhood. The fierce suchomimus breaking off from her parents care at a young age to strike out on her own and become a feared denizen of the Kiama Islands. She was scarred as a late adolescent on the shoulder by a stryacosaur. The leader of the Seaside Herd that travels the beaches of all the Kiama Islands. She met her mate as an adult once fully grown. The two initially battling for dominance when they first met before their tenuous bond grew to the point they now occasionally tolerate each other's presence for periods of time.

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