128: Fable

Owned by BendustKas

tiniest raptor

Island: Kela
Biome: Beach, Jungle
Diet: Fish, small-medium mammals, ground birds
Faction: None
Mate: Salmon

Weight: Lithe
Height: Tall
Length: Long

Long of leg, neck, and tail, she is built for speed and agility rather than strength and power. Fable is an astonishingly fast runner, capable of both terrifying sprints and intimidating long-term persuit chases. Her long tail makes a wonderful counterbalance for high-speed turns.

Notable Traits: Fable's crest features a deep split in the middle, with a largely smooth rippling shape along the crest save for the outer edges, which come to a small point.


Fable is notably snappish. She doesn't like her space to be invaded and has worked hard to carve out a territory for herself, which she very much aims to defend. Her smaller weight class means that she's quite easy to overpower, despite her height, but it doesn't mean that she's any less sure of herself. Fable is incredibly independent and headstrong, much preferring her own company to the company of others. She takes great pride in her ability to be independent, and doesn't easily bow her head or ask for aid. There are few whose presence she truly tolerates, though she knows she doesn't have the physical mass to always back up her threats and posturing.
She mellows out to be more tolerable of others when she meets her mate, Salmon, though she maintains a standoffish behaviour and has very low tolerance for others of especially chipper, teasing, or exuberant - seemingly contradictory to her love for Salmon.
History & Relations

Fable hatched to an abandoned nest in a small cave network on Isla Kela, her nest scavenged by rats and other egg-eating mammals. Hunger pushed her beyond the boundaries of the nest and even into the twisting tunnels. She was found by her father, Dante, who considered eating her before realising that she was one of his offspring. Hatching in a cold world with no one else around, Fable promptly attached herself to the male, who begrudgingly raised the mistrustful hatchling.

Their relationship grew stronger over time; it was hard to be wary of someone who cared for her, and Dante seemed to be fond of the little cryo's ferocious personality. Fable was a dedicated learner, paying close attention to those lessons that he taught her and applying them with great enthusiasm.

Her departure from Dante's side was somewhat bittersweet, though she was glad to have the chance to strike out on her own and carve out her own space. Her efforts to find a new home were perilous to start, nearly coming to a premature end when she encountered the malevolent carnotaur Apophis. She escaped with her life, eventually coming to settle on the beach near where a river spilled out into the sea.

She fiercely defends her stretch of land from invaders and thieves, though she is somewhat tolerant of smaller carnivores and passive herbivores that seek passage across the beach or fresh water from the river.

That same source of fresh water would eventually deliver her to her mate. Though Fable was initially uncertain of the smaller female's presence, Fable became enamoured by Salmon's sense of humour and her ability to see more both in the world and in those that she encountered. Salmon and Fable's relationship grew stronger over time, with Salmon enjoying the company of another cryo, even one as occasionally brusque as Fable, and Fable checking in to ensure that the other female was well - and definitely not because she enjoyed the small female's chattering and laughter. Eventually, the two decided to share their territories and settle down together as a pair, and a team.

Salmon softened Fable to the idea that perhaps not everyone who crosses through their territory threatened to steal from them (and even if they did, they had more than enough to go around), and that perhaps company wasn't a bad thing.

Among those that she's grown to tolerate are Amaruq and Ezekiel, though she still has her doubts about the raptor who acts as a traveling companion to the cryo. The first time she encountered the pair, Fable was still unsure of her ability to hold a territory and attacked Ezekiel, chasing them away before they had a chance to settle down. Though Fable remains unsure of Ezekiel, she appreciates the quiet companionship of Amaruq.

by SnootSnooter

Fun Facts:

  • When she thinks no one's watching, Fable enjoys chasing shorebirds across the beach and watching them scatter
  • Fable has a secondary "territory" inside an old, abandoned human tunnel that's largely overgrown that she uses as a winter den
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