1357: Scilla

Personality Description: Scilla is a gentle cow, not too quick to anger except to protect others. She will gladly take babies of any herbivorus species under her wing for as long as they'd like to stay. She is feircly protective, and will fight to protect her family and herd. Her heart is not easily swayed (though cute babies may turn the tables), and she can be quite stubborn. She is weather-hardy and not afraid of much, except spiders and loosing any of her calves. She takes no crap from no one, and will wisk away hatchlings that seem abandoned, mistreated, or otherwise neglected or abused. "This is mine now." She treasures anything given to her by her claves and will hoard them like a dragon. She loves flowers, meadows, and fruit. She has a bit of a sweet tooth, and won't go for veggies or evergreen needles as often, as they can be bitter. 

Physical Description: Her crest is tall, and her top two horns and face horn are more pronounced and are thicker/longer than a usual sty. She is muscular, and can stand like a brick wall in the way of danger. Her feathers are more scragily and thin, but are surprisingly soft and smooth.

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