1498: Charlie

Owned by SnootSnooter

Island: Kela
Biome: Swamplands, marsh, rivers, lakes
Pack: None
Mate: None

Weight: Chubby

Compared to her family, Charlie is rather short and noticably chubbier than her half brothers. Her size and weight however does little to bother or hinder her in any way, heavy and low to the ground, much like Big Mama O, Charlie is a powerhouse full of hidden muscle. After all it ain't about the size, it's how you use it.

Mom Friend | Confident | Outspoken | Brave | Affectionate | Adventerous | Tom-Boy | Loyal

'Ladies don't start fights, but they can finish them.'

Charlie is generally a loving, kind and nuturing individual, her loving nature extending well beyond her family as she has little problem caring for any stranger in need. Carrying herself with an unshakable confidence, it's hard to get under her skin in any meaningful way lest you're brave enough to insult her family... You best be ready to throw down at that point! Family means everything to Charlie, and she'll fiight tooth and nail in order to protect them. She's every bit as much of a scrappy firecracker as her brothers, physically or verbally, and completely unafraid to get down and dirty should the situation call for it.

History and Relationships: TBA

Fun Facts:

  • Unafraid to mouth off, sometimes Charlies outspoken nature can give her one hell of a venmous bite, if it doesn't get her into a fist fight first.
  • Much like her brothers, Charlie speaks with an inexplicably southern twang.
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