1521: Gaboon

Owned by DeathHerself

THE carno, the myth, the legend


Leader of the High Peaks Pack, Gaboon is a name that many have heard, but barely any know anything about.

His childhood was that of wandering from adult to adult, learning new things before being cast off by each one for not being good enough in some way or another. He began with Savannah, an excellent hunter who was lean and quick, but she told him he would never make a good hunter with his heavier build and lack of camoflage. Phantom told him similar, he would never find a mate with his bland colouring and general unimpressiveness.

Nobody dared say a thing when he reached adulthood, his tremendous patterns and colours weaving together in a perfect hunting pattern, flashy and eye-catching when he could be seen. But the damage had been done, and he had retreated to the mountains to live a solitary life. Over time, and even Gaboon himself isn't sure how, he began to accumulate a gathering of carnos. They felt safe in his territory, in his presence. He always remained somewhat confused and aloof to the new arrivals, these others coming to him for advice, for his knowledge and guidance. When his daughters came into the picture, it was even stranger, now he not only had a whole pack of misfits, but two of his actual children as well relying on him. He adored his daughters and would protect them for the world, so maybe he could do that for the rest of his tagalongs as well. Teach them, care for them, and maybe when they had learned enough, they'd leave him alone. Or not, either worked.

He keeps his stoic and somewhat off-putting temperment at all times, but he does care in his own way, even if that way was ocassionally yeeting others into the mountain springs and ponds to show them they can swim.

Despite all this, he is often known to join in for some good lighthearted fun from time to time.

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