1532: Osa

Owned by BendustKas

mama osaIsland: Kela
Biome: Swampland [main], marsh, salt flats, rivers, lakes, beach, shallow seas, ocean
Diet: Fish, any size mammal, other dinosaurs
Faction: None
Mate: N/A

Weight: Heavy
Height: Below average
Length: Long

Osa is heavy and low to the ground - a powerhouse. Due to her shorter legs she's only capable of short bursts of speed on land, but her musculature and long tail makes her capabe of devastatingly savage attacks from the water. 

Notable Traits: Osa has thick, crocodilian scales on her jaw, neck, and on her knuckles and feet. She spends most of her time walking on all fours [knuckle-walking] when she has to traverse across dry land, and prefers very much to spend most of her time in the water. Her jaw is especially muscular, and her head is more broad - giving her a more alligator or crocodile-like face.


Most that come across Osa would not get much more from her other than "unsociable creature from the swamp." Due to a voracious appetite and a fear of not having enough to eat, she often chases other carnivores from her territory, and doesn't leave a lot of time for someone to stop and chat. She is more than capable of defending herself, and is exceedingly dangerous in close quarters. It's rare to find her outside of the water, though when she is, it's often to laze about and bask in the sun. Those that aren't frightened off by sharp teeth might be met with a more standoffish sort of personality, though she may warm up over time.
She is more tolerant of others who are traveling with young. Osa has a strong drive to protect and mother, more than willing to nurture and care for others who don't yet have the ability to take care of themselves.
History & Relations
Osa was discovered by Oswald when she was little more than a small, malnourished hatchling. Their time together was...rocky at best, at first. Oswald was a wanderer, and Osa was small, and unwell, but she was determined to keep up with the male that she'd stumbled across. It wasn't until Oswald begrudgingly offered up part of his meal that their bond really began to slowly solidify.
As she traveled with Oswald, Osa began to recover rapidly from her time spent alone in the world. She never grew quite to the height of a typical suchomimus, but that didn't stop her from getting strong. Their travels together gave her terrifying stamina and strength, but she was increasingly slow to move over land. She was heavy, and struggled with blending in to their surroundings or stalking prey. She began to explore more with fishing in the lakes and rivers that Oswald took them to, finding much more success against fish than against any terrestrial prey - unless they came up to the shore, or tried to go for a swim.
As she grew larger and more powerful, Osa began spending more time in the marshy lowlands of Isla Kela where it was easier for her to travel, and far easier still for her to hunt. She was an ambush predator. Fully grown, she prefers to spend much of her time in the waterways that she's claimed as her own.
She's met many others in the swamplands, and though she's chased many off, there have been a few that she's tolerated long enough to get to know and even grow fond of. Ruaidhri was just a young suchomimus when their paths crossed, as well as his brother Deaglán, and their friend Bruno, and she put up with the clutch and their mother Tempest while the little ones grew. She bonded with the "troublesome" youths, watching out for them whenever they visited her side of the swamp, and ended up welcoming their half-sister Charlie just as much as she did the boys. It was almost lonely when they grew old enough to strike off on their own, and she was secretly pleased that Charlie and Bruno ended up staying relatively nearby.
It felt almost fated when a new young dinosaur came into her life. She came across a lone hatchling that had wandered into her territory. A utahraptor, a small little thing. Her name was Jaeda, and Osa raised her as though she'd hatched the raptor herself. Jaeda has grown into a powerful huntress, and Osa can only be proud of her.
Occasionally, Osa travels beyond the swamplands. She tries to often to catch up with Oswald, and travels especially during the summer when the sun is high, food is scarce, and the water is low. During one such migration, Osa made it downriver to find herself on the fringes of a suchomimus bask - the Shipyard. Though Osa much prefers to keep her own company, there was unmistakable joy when she discovered that Ruaidhri had settled down with the bask. She now travels the river more frequently, catching up with her younger once-neighbour from time to time and acting as a temporary ally to the bask - or at least, not an enemy.
Osa Tappies by haunted-dark-umbreon

Fun Facts:

  • Osa prefers to stealth hunt, using the explosive "watch-and-wait" style of hunting rather than chasing prey items across the land. This does not stop her from persuing a tantalizing meal through the water.
  • She communicates with strangers mostly with deep and rattling growls and bellows, making notable threat displays in doing so.
  • She fears not having enough food and starving.
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