1619: Saaras

Personality Description: sweet, kindly, and welcoming, Saaras loves to make friends and hang around with them, though he's quiet and shy, so he doesn't go out of his way to be friendly. He is a very kind-hearted gentleman and despite his physical stature, often tries to make himself look small and will back down from confrontation. That is, unless hatchlings are invloved. Hatchlings of any sort, Herbivore or Carnivore, he'll take them under his preverbeal and litteral wing and offer them sanctuary. He's a fluffy pushover a lot of the time, but a great storyteller. He loves to make up stories about the moon, the stars, and the shadows of the dark, both scaring and comforting any creature he tells his stories to. Hence his nicknames, Moon, Nightlight, and Mim, of which Mim is short for "man in the moon" and who is a reccurring character in his stories.

Physical Description: He towers above the rest, though he isn't much of a fighter, so he isn't very muscular, though he isn't malnourished by any means. He's quite fluffy and his feathers are longer and softer than those of other Therizinosaurs on the island. His tail feathers also are even longer than those on his body, and the ones at the very tip of his tail almost drag the ground, especially in winter when thicker, more weather-suited feathers grow in.

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