1687: Cribo

Owned by DeathHerself

Cribo lives up to his name, a large carno both in height and length, but slender and quick. He has a taste for carnivore meat and can pull down most species without issues. That has led him to be a top hunter in the High Peaks pack, led by Gaboon and his daughters. He grew up alongside them, being taught the ways of the mountain by Gaboon himself, and although the two are at each other's throats constantly, they know there's nobody else they would rather have at each other's back.

Cribo earned his scars in one of the fierce fights with Gaboon after Krait decided to run off with the young carno. They are solid mates, and Cribo protects her like his absolute world. Gaboon may rather harshly put him in his place, but he sees Cribo as the son he is.

With Krait, he has a number of youngsters, all taking after the hunting ability of their father, and well protected by the pack.


  •  Cribo hatched alone, a wandering hatchling with no family and little idea of how to survive in the world
  •  He found Gaboon at a young age, the large Carno lying in the dirt outside the city limits, and attached himself to him.
  • Gaboon was patient with the youngster, he knew someone had to teach him the ways, might as well be him.
  • As Cribo grew, he learned both the easy and the hard way that Gaboon would not tolerate nonsense.
  • Despite this, Gaboon was teaching him to become a leader and second in the pack.
  • Teenage years hit, and Cribo grew very interested in Gaboons daughters - Krait specifically, despite being warned by the large male that he would kill him if he ever saw them together. If, if is good.
  • Boomslang was jealous of their relationship, her sister had not been kind to her all the years, and she knew exactly how to get her payback.
  • Krait and Cribo would often run off together, going for long wanders around the territory, or to the lake to drink. 
  • Boomslang ran to her father one day, and a furious howl was heard throughout the range.
  • Cribo didn't stand a chance against an adult carno, especially not one of Gaboons size and ferocity, and he wiped the floor with him.
  • The pack leader only stopped his savagery when Krait tried to step in and help and Gaboon threw her across the rocks with his tail. He immediately quit attacking and ran to his daughter's aid, giving Cribo a chance to escape, hobbling away from the bloody puddle where he had lain.
  • For a few years, Cribo simply wandered. He had not tended to his wounds or had anyone to do so, and they had healed mangled and marred, his face pulled tight down one side and his throat pained where Gaboon had latched on. He had developed a slight limp on his left leg, the one Gaboon had damaged the worst, but it never stopped him.
  • His travels took him to all parts of the island, where he met a lot of different species, and even a strange raccoon who created things for him!
  • He hunted mercilessly, whatever he could find, including others of his kind, young ones that couldn't match his speed, though the meat was always bitter, it still helped fill his stomach, which nearly constantly growled from the pain and emptiness.
  • Mindless wandering took him back to the peaks, back to the place he grew up, and back to the dreaded Gaboon.
  • They stood across the lake from each other, Gaboon, still huge and terrifying in his presence, yet Cribo, now an adult, was nearly his match in height and length, though woefully underweight.
  • Still, the two stared down, but it was Gaboon who approached, there was no threat in the big Carnos eyes, yet Cribo was cautious still.
  • Standing eye to eye, there wasn't much in it size-wise, but the older carno made no aggressive move, and instead gave Cribo an apologetic bump with his big head. The years without his second, without his adopted son had not been kind as others had gathered to join the pack, not another he could trust to watch his back, not with his daughters struggling and still relatively small.
  • Cribos breath caught at the sight of his old love, her colours and patterns as eye-catching as ever. She was a queen of the night, the shadows rippled across her markings and left her invisible, so stark in contrast to his green. White eyes locked to his and she came running.
  • They had never forgotten each other, and Krait had grown into a fine adult as well.
  • Taking some time to rekindle their relationship, Cribo noted that Gaboon stepped out of the way now, for the most part leaving them to themselves. Surprisingly, he came round to the idea that his adopted son would now be his actual son as Krait began to set up their first nest. Over the next while, three times they had eggs, with some of the babies sticking with the pack, whilst others went to areas new, seeking their own adventures with new friends, though they always knew there was a place with their parents.
  • Cribo and Gaboon still fight on occasion, though its a far stretch from what it used to be, mostly squabbles that end in headbutts and pushing each other around. Cribo has also piled on some more weight since then, though he still remains skinny and somewhat bony.
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