Status: Impairment: Chronic
1834: Hael

Owned by BendustKas

Island: Kela, though he may travel occasionally to Pera
Biome: Open grasslands, woodlands, riparian zones, scrub, highlands
Diet: Terrestrial vegetation; has a preference for sweet grasses
Faction: [Meadowsweet - pending]
Mate: Lakewood

Weight: Above Average
Height: Tall
Length: Average

Hael stands a little taller than some parasaurs, though the rest of him is fairly proportionate to his height. He weighs a little on the heavier side, his bulk perhaps making up for his lack of feathers during the cooler months on the islands. He is distinctly "normal."

Notable Traits: Hael's crest is a bit flatter and less curved than is common, and creates higher-pitched vocalisations. There is substantial scarring on his left shoulder due to an older injury, and he walks with a slight limp as a result.

*please see History -> Images to see the other side of his import for scar detailing.


Hael is a quiet, peaceful soul. He's curious about the world that he lives in, though much more shy and reserved than any herd creature should be. He prefers the company of smaller numbers, and often can be found hanging around the outskirts of a herd rather than being in the thick of it. His reasoning is that from there, he can keep a watchful eye out for predators, intruders, stray hatchlings, and other potential dangers. Despite the challenges his shoulder sometimes presents, Hael has no problem with stepping up at the first sign of danger and protecting others from harm.

His time on Isla Pera has made it difficult for him to wander, though, and he's become rather more stoic and reserved - save for around his mate, Lakewood. He's hopelessly fallen for the the good-natured female, and can be often found watching her herd's hatchling and juvenile paras in her company.


History & Relations
As a hatchling, Hael was left largely to do his own thing and for the most part, he kept to himself. He tended to stick closely to his parents rather than to interact with many of his siblings. He instead paid close attention to his parents' teachings - including the dangers that predators posed. Hael took it upon himself to be the watchful guardian of his parents and siblings both, though he was often distracted from his self-proclaimed "duties" by butterflies and passing clouds. He grew into his role over time, though he didn't quite successfully integrate himself into a herd of his own. Though his father held a position in the Copper Gorge herd, Hael chose instead to lead a more transient lifestyle, watching over many herds rather than staying with one.

When a new island was discovered, Hael traveled to the volcanic Isla Pera, where he spent an extensive time exploring the strange new lands before returning to Kela. Unfortunately, during his exploration of the delapidated facility on Pera, he suffered a massive fall that resulted in severe laceration of his left shoulder. The wounds festered, destroying muscle tissue and progressively making it harder and harder to walk.

He was discovered by Coeur and Ianna, and had the bizarre experience of being treated for his wounds by a fellow parasaur and a utahraptor both. He's still not sure how much of that interaction was a fever dream, but is no less thankful for their aid in his recovery before the infection took his life. He was left with a serious limp, but he survived. Due to the restrictive nature of his injury, he had to accept the reality that his days traveling were coming to an end, and that if he was going to continue to survive, he needed to do so within the safety of a herd. Still, he tried to wander.

During his travels, though he largely preferred to keep to himself, but that didn't stop him from making a friend from time to time. Rhubarb makes an entertaining companion, if nothing else. Hael's gotten the sense that the small (very small, for an adult para) has more dandelion fluff on his head than anything, but his company is still good.

Another parasaur stole his heart. He first encountered Lakewood when he was escorting a hatchling back to its herd after it had wandered off - only to almost literally run into Lakewood, herself. He accompanied the pair back to her herd, where he would stay and help watch over the little ones for a while - he was in the area, and he needed some time to rest. What better way was there to pay her and her herd back for their kindness than by helping watch over the herd?

The herd was kind, and Lakewood...he couldn't help but to find her endearing. Always looking after the little ones, diligent, protective, fearless. As their relationship grew, he realised that he had very quickly fallen for her. When they both had time, he'd steal her away for little moments for just the two of them.

A life settling down in a herd has been far sweeter than he ever thought that it could be.


Fun Facts:

  • He maintains a fair relationship with his family, but is intimidated by the Copper Gorge herd that they live amongst.
  • He can occasionally be seen telling stories of his travels and tales that he's heard to young parasaurs of the Meadowsweet herd.
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