Status: Injury: Mild
1863: Lennox

Owned by JaytheMoonChild

Elder a.k.a 75yrs!!

A very sweet and easy-going Styra, Lenny gets along with most dinosaurs he encounters. Is very vigilant despite his old age. Is a very mellow kind of dude that would rather talk things out than clash horns. Does have a violent streak against carnivores even if they seem uninterested in actively hunting. Looking out for everyone in his herd is what he does best, due to all of his experiance with not only surviving but also raising he is a well of seemingly endless advice. Speaks kind of slow and in a deep baritone that rumbles in your head.


Nickname: Lenny


Island: Isla Pera 

Biome: Ashlands, Savannah, Scrub, Forest, Coastal, Wetlands

Diet: Barks, Various types of Grasses, Shrubs, Water Plants, and Berries

Herd: Ashwalkers

Mate: N/A


Weight: Average

Height: Short

Length: Long


Quite an interesting-looking specimen, Lenny at first glance seems normal if a bit disproportionate compared to other Styras his age. He's surprisingly in an average weight class according to others but looks heavier than he actually would be. This happens only because Lenny is quite noticeably shorter than other Styras. But this short stature hides how long he truly is, which has surprised many a predator. Due to him being so elderly, he's got wrinkles abundant but he bears these with pride. The scars littering his hide are a testament to how much he's survived and conquered in his long years here on the island.


Notable Traits: Lenny can use his spines as a sort of display for his emotions, angry is fully erect, happy is a little shiver while anger/guarding is a rapid shaking which sort of has a rattle effect. Lenny might not be physically blind, but he has difficulty with sight, which is where his aggression comes from.



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