1941: Vethrfolnir

Owned by Runokani
"wind bleached"

Nickname: Fölnir


Personality Description:

 Fölnir is very fatherly, protective and calm male who likes to pamper his loved ones. He is good at listening, helping and guiding others.Fölnir seems to always have time for others, especially hatchlings, and he likes to teach them to fly. He is not embarassed to show his kind and supportive side. He has a very strong temper,but when you cross it, he becomes very hostile and can protect his loved ones till death. Fölnir can be very intimidating when needed, but he rarely goes as far as using physical force on others. Big father energy, likes to cuddle.

Physical Description:

Fölnir is one of the largest tapes, yet even if he might look quite intimidating to his species, Fölnir is quite opposite of what you might think. He has a muscular body, in tapes measurements, well kept feathers and skin. Long strong wings and long beak.
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