2023: Tak-Tak

Owned by WrenBaile

Nickname: 'That Annoying Bugger'

Personality Description: Taktak is a master of mischeif and mayhem, though perhaps not even intentionally. He gets nervous easily, which often leads so nervous rambling, but he's never intentionally aggrivating or ever aggressive, much more likely to run from a fight very quickly than to stand his grown.

As tiny and petit as he is, Taktak loves to talk, and is both willing and able to chatter for hours if you give him the chance. as a young adult, he annoyed his flock so much with his hyperactive tendancies and constant noise that they kicked him to the curb. he flailed around the island aimlessly for a while in the dead of winter before managing to find an abandoned bunker, and roosted in the rafters of the lower levels for a whole whopping day before he was discovered by the resident of the bunker, Poggle, by, you guessed it, talking too much.

Poggle originally tolerates Taktaks annoyance due to his arial advantage and somewhat dubiously entertaining entertainment- besides, if he gets too annoying Poggle has no qualms about locking him in the storage room for a while. Taktak tags along on poggles hunting trips for scraps, screaming, "go for the eyes", very unhelpfully, and also aids Poggle in his management of their food hoard and the tolls from visitors that travel through the pass.

eventually Poggle grows to care for Taktak even despite his talkativeness, and the two become an inseperable team.

Physical Description: Long neck and a narrow face, and his body is small and scrawny. wings are average sized and look a little small for the length of his neck and the size of his head, giving him the look of someone perpetually off-balance. the lower part of his chin-crest points backwards towards his body, and his crest is slimmer, shorter, and swoops backward.

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