2103: Ghost

Owned by Aegis

Pronouns: Any (They/He/She)

Personality Description: An odd theri, Ghost always seems out of it, his head drifting side to side in a strange rythym only he could hear. When not in the waking world, he's plagued by strange and disconnected visions; whether it be those of new life and love, or of danger, bloody teeth encircling their neck and a chocked cry dying on their tongue. Sometimes they're the focus of the vision--mind deposited into another's body as they live through their future--and other times they're simply an observer, watching as the creature infront of him is taken by flame and smoke. He hadn't been particularly bothered by them at first, content just to file them away as an over-active imigination, but when the first vision he'd had played out infront of him--in the living world--something in him had changed, and he became what he is now. They rarely talk, and when they do it's hardly louder than a murmur, easily dismissed as the rustling of the wind. Through his endless wanderings, he'd come to live in a cumbling city, hunkering down in the wreckage of a once-grand metaphysical store, his nest filled with crystals and tarnished jewellery he'd found during his journey and exploration of his new home.

For a time he was rarely seen without the company of Avow, another large theri he'd met on the outskirts of the city. The two stuck together, him always fretting over Ghost with their habit of wandering just too far, with the only time they were apart being when Avow would go out to ensure there was no harm close to their territory; or to find something shiny to bring back to his mate. But in recent months, Avow had all but dissapeared. Ghost had resumed his endless wandering, no destination in mind and barely in his own to guide him, letting his feet take him as far as they could before giving out with exhaustion. They'd drawn further into themself, and without Avow's comforting weight to settle them after their particularly bad visions they rarely rested, only giving into the darkness when their body could no longer sustain them. When they were so exhausted they wouldn't remember what their vision was about come dawn. They didn't see a point in being where Avow was not, and so they searched endlessly for him, desperate to once again hear his voice and rest their weary body against him.

Physical Description: While slim, Ghost is very fluffy. The feathers on their head and upper neck are sleek and transition down to their fluff, her constant preening often leaves their body appearing larger than it really is. A little intimidating to those who haven't gotten to know him, especially with his quiet disposition. His tail is fuller than most other therizinos.

Lore Mate: Avow 1855 (currently missing)

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