2107: Caspian

Personality Description: A true gentleman with a love for exploration and the unknown. He doesn't remember where he came from, but it doesn't much matter to him, as he prefers to live in the moment. While he wouldn't mind settling into a herd eventually, he is a wanderer by nature, and so would prefer to either be in a scout-type posistion under a top male or would rather keep a smaller, more compact and ready-to-move little herd of his own. He is far from ambitious, but he won't give up without a fight, verbal or otherwise. He is generally kind and gentle, though if he gets too excited he can be a little careless. He always loves seeing and experiencing new things, though he also likes the thought of having a comfy little place to call home. He is unafraid of water, in fact he likes to take a dip when he can, though he'd prefer the water be clear mostly for saftey reasons, he won't balk at dirty, murky, muddy, or even just very very cold water.

Physical Description: A large and hardy bull from all his explorations across the island. While his feathers are generally well-kept and smooth when first meeting someone, he'll let his guard down if he knows them a bit and his feathers will puff and curl wildly, especially when wet/damp/recently dried. His crest is proportionately tall and wide, and his facial/nasal horn curves up just a bit and is longer than the average styracosaurus.

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