2218: Yunora

Owned by FireHorse24

|| Shy || Kind || Cheerful || Friendly || Naive ||

Theme: "Fated"
Yunora is a small yet kind styracosaurus, she prefers to spend her time somewhere quiet like under he tree or near lake.
In her childhood she liked to explore and was very curious, Yuno usually spent her time with her big "Bear styra" brother. They both played together, searched for something together and just liked each other.
Of course, they sometimes had to be separated because of their parents and during that time she could ran away from mom. What and innocent childhood, hm? Well, not really.
Yunora remembers the day when she first met a predator, Cryolophosaurus, but that was small and young just like her. They talked for a bit and then she heard her mother's call. She said her goodbye to him and left. Since then they started to see each other more often, but one day stopped, because his family moved somewhere else.
Since then Yunora truly believes that not all carnivores are bad, some of them aint that bad at all. Unfortunely for her all last meeting with predators weren't...kind and understanding, but she that doesn't stop her. Maybe she'll meet with that friendly carnivore again or maybe not. She believes in fate, her own fate.