2293: Emmitt

Owned by ABeardedDragon

Personality Description: 
Emmit has always had a bit of an adventurous streak, often getting into trouble in his younger days as he wandered away from his pack. Craving to see the world, he left the pack as an adult and explored the unknown, where he found a nomadic pack to call home. With their constant movement, Emmitt didn't need to wander anymore and adopted a more protective role in the pack. He takes care of the weak and enjoys playing with the younger members if the rest of the pack is out hunting. He's the first to scope out potential threats, and fight if neccessary. Emmit is usually happy and cheerfully loud, sometimes struggling to be quiet when it's important. Most other adults would say he seems so tireless, but chasing after hatchlings all day tires him out in no time. He's friendly to everyone in and outside the pack, and easily forgives his packmates. After all, they're all just trying to survive together, and it's easier if they get along.

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