2317: Count Tapecula

Owned by CaitKat

Personality: Count was accidentally dropped by his parents in a cave inhabited by a colony of bats when he was just a hatchling and he ended up being raised by them, he's currently a bit confused but makes up for it with spirit. A bit more screechy and twitchy than your common dinosaur neighbours.  Sometimes when the light hits him he believes he can sparkle and has a personal vendetta against anteos. He has an affinity for biting everyone, especially if he likes you. He can often be seen with a few bats flying around him, as they feel comfortable in his presence.

Physical Description: A bit on the malnourished side and smaller in size because of it. The bats tried their best treating Count as one of their own, but, you know, tapejaras are not exactly bats. The rosary around his neck got stuck when he was pretty young as he was rummaging around an abandoned house, he has grown around it since then.


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