2440: Felix

Owned by BendustKas

Island: Kela, Pera
Biome: Various
Diet: Fish, fruit, bugs, meat scraps
Faction: Beedle's Hideout
Mate: Spectre

Weight: Average
Height: Small
Length: Small

Felix is well-proportioned and of a healthy weight for his size, he's just a bit...short. His feathers are usually smoothed back from wind, though may occasionally poke up at odd angles.

Notable Traits: Physically, there's not much to note about Felix aside from his size - and his vibrant colouration. As a hatchling, the pink tones on his ventral side were light and quite dull, and became brighter and richer over time.


In a word - flamboyant. This little tape has not a care in the world. A song in his heart, the wind at his heels, the sun on his back - and he's going to make it everyone else's problem. Whether intentional or not, he often makes a pest of himself around larger dinosaurs, using them as perches and antagonising more prickly individuals into lashing out. As small as he is, he's quite agile and often has no problems with getting out of harm's reach, and is quick to forgive and forget. It was terribly rude of them to snap at him, but after all, he made it out without a scratch, so what's the harm?
Beneath his bravado, Felix has quite a caring and considerate heart, though you'd be hard-pressed to get past his obnoxiously flirtatious behaviour to actually see it.
History & Relations
Felix's life has been one instance of chaos to the next. His life as a young tape was marked by questionable parenting by Splinter who is, by anyone else's standards, a less than perfect role model. When Felix was old enough - and big enough, which was a bit of a struggle for the small tape - he was brought along with Splinter to cause problems. That was the easiest way to get food, and of course it was just great fun, so long as you didn't get caught. It's also thanks to their teachings that Felix grew up to be such an excellent flirt - so they'd both like to think.
When it was time for Felix to move off on his own, he rapidly found a chaotic partner in crime. Frog, a similarly young utahraptor, got along famously with the small, colourful tapejara. The pair got into the best-worst kind of trouble as often as they could.
Felix's travels did take him beyond Frog's reach, from time to time. Though he loves the utah's company, he also loves the freedom of traveling wherever he likes - especially with a whole other island out there for him to explore. He's encountered several new "friends" on his journeys, hopping from faction to faction and causing small amounts of trouble wherever he goes. Matriarch, the leader of the Steelwater flock, actually seemed to enjoy his shenanigans, and was quite funny herself - and so he decided to stick around, at least for a bit. Maybe living in one place for a while wasn't such a bad thing.
Eventually, he did join one of those factions that he regularly visited. Beedle's Hideout, a large cave system, seemed welcoming enough to all, and it was free enough that he could come and go as he pleased. It was nice to have somewhere to come back to.
One tape that he encountered on his travels saw through this bravado - or perhaps something about him softened Felix and opened his heart to something a little more. He decided to make it his mission in life to stand up for the quiet, awkward, giant tapejara when he noticed that others seemed to reject him. So what if he said some odd things from time to time? Felix made a point to draw the attention on himself whenever he saw Spectre begin to feel a little too in the spotlight. It was something he was very good at, and something he didn't mind doing to help Spectre feel a little more comfortable. Their bond became stronger over time, and Felix would quite happily proclaim his love for the gothic tape should anyone ask.

Fun Facts:

  • Though he will eat red meat, he prefers to not - it's terribly messy and he doesn't like getting blood on his feathers
  • Felix is a tremendous fan of aerial acrobatics, and will spend hours at a time simply flying around for the fun of it, especially on windy days
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