2591: Zilpher

 This sucho is shockingly short, despite his parents taller then average size. Zilpher is a bit awkward about his size, often mistaken for a juvinile sucho. Zilpher gets extremely frustrated by these assumptions but there's not much he can do about it.
Zilpher, despite his size, is a decent fighter. Using his small size and being more speedy then powerful.

Zilpher when reaching maturity becomes a bit of a playboy, until he meets his 'big lady' Taiyo, her beauty overwhelms the small sucho and he loves to bring her random things, hinting that they "remind him of her". These things mostly are Gem stones, Colorful Fish (though he is cautious to make sure not to bring her any deadly ones) and his favorite, Soft things. This small gent is willing to pluck down feathers from a swan one by one for her to make her the softest nests. Despite Zilphers playboy attitude to start, he is an absolutely loving and affectionate and completely loyal partner towards her. 

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