2644: Deerlegs

Owned by BendustKas

Island: Isla Kela
Biome: Scrub, coastal
Diet: Tough vegetation, browse
Faction: Highcliff
Mate: N/A

Weight: Lean
Height: Tall
Length: Long

It's easy to see where Deerlegs gets her namesake from. Deerlegs is tall, but otherwise well-balanced with a long tailHer feather coat is usually quite smooth, giving her a streamline appearance.

Notable Traits: Like her father, she has slightly longer feathers on her shoulders that stand up in a "shark fin" whenever she's in a poor mood. The feather fans over her eyebrows are also quite expressive, giving her moods a substantial amount of readability.


A polite, pleasant young pachy - that also happens to be stubborn and hard-headed, not afraid to put her foot down and stand her ground when she's got an opinion. She has a very caring, protective disposition, but like her mother, she has a bit of a wild streak and from time to time will get into scuffles of friendly competition with her siblings and other members of the herd. She's fiercely protective of her family and all of Highcliff's members, though quite cautious of strangers, having grown up hearing stories about the dangers that lie beyond the cliffs where she's grown up. Deerlegs is, however, quick to offer aid to other herbivores in the area that look like they might need it, particularly other pachys.
History & Relations
Highcliff herd is just about all that Deerlegs has ever known. She hatched from a clutch after its original foundation, along with her two brothers Watchful and Whirlpool. Her youth was spent learning the ropes of how to navigate and get around the perilous cliffs that her herd calls home, and she gained confidence with every adventure. Much to the chagrin of her father, Spruce, she proved to be especially good at escaping from the herd's watchful eye to go on those adventures.
The gangly, awkward pachy would grow into a competent young adult. She knows how to navigate the cliffs and crevices like the back of her claw, and does her best to help out around the cliffs as she's needed. With her growing confidence continuing to grow, she increasingly often offers to teach younger pachies and new arrivals to the herd how to get around. Shale was one such new arrival; a young pachy that came to Highcliff, lost and alone, that Deerlegs quickly took under her wing.
She looks up to her herd mates, especially Beau. He's kind and watches out for others in just the way that she aspires to, and has a small air of authority about him. Aracaw is great fun to play with - it's nice having more than just her siblings to join in with games on the cliffs. Ender is a bit of an odd bird, though, and she's not quite sure how she feels about him yet.

Fun Facts:

  • Deerlegs is one of three triplets, and she and her siblings have created a "secret language" of communication using the feather crests on their eyebrows
  • One of her favourite pasttimes is to race from one end of the territory to the other as fast as she can
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